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1/20/2016 5:41:25 AM

YOU ruined the game, NOT Bungie

It wasn't Bungie who ruined the game. The original meta was pretty cool, no bs, no drama. And then along came the shitty community. We want this. Remove that. Nerf this nerf that. You need to point the fingers at yourselves for allowing it.

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  • They choose to change the game according to your feedback. Be careful what you wish for

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    • Edited by Phantom: 1/20/2016 2:18:01 PM
      I find it funny how on bungie's mission statement thing it says they have one of the best most sensible communities in gaming. That's another lie to add to the list.

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    • I agree with you, well mostly. I believe that the Nerf posts ruined a lot in this game. But what really ruined it on their(bungies) end was artificially extending playtime by time hating and by nerfing us!

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    • They chose to revamp the meta based on feedback from the community. This current Meta is fine. All weapon primaries are usable, the only thing broken right now is fusion rifles.

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      • Thank you, this guy gets it.

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      • Weird... I don't remember getting ready for work, driving to bungie HQ and making terrible decisions... But if you say it's my fault, it must be true.

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      • Your correct. While I'm fine with asking for things, the complaints about darn near everything gets old. Frankly the only legitimate complaint I can think of and it really wasn't even an issue with me, is the over use of Thorn in IB and Trials.

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      • Yeah we trashed year 1, we lied to us, we brought in micro transactions, we ignore the community it's all our fault.

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      • No bs. Heheh. You don't remember 1.5x AR headshot damage with their original range, stability, and accuracy values.

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      • Edited by Krobolus: 1/20/2016 8:57:59 AM
        So , let me get this straight, Activision is to blame on why Destiny was a gutted game, and the Players are to Blame why the developers with shit tons of Data cannot balance their PVP game. Must be Nice for Bungie to be so Perfect and everyone else is to blame for everything. I just read In another post how a person thinks it's the Players fault of why we are not getting DLC's anymore , so apparently that's not Bungie's laziness either. Bungie can Do no wrong, it's Always someone else's fault..get real , Bungie is 100% at fault for everything, they signed with Activision, they cut content from their game and sold it as DLC, they ditched the original story, they fired the Lead writer and the Lead sound director. They implimented the Cash shop, they made a deal with Red Bull, they sold 3 emotes and shaders for $20 , etc,etc,etc,, Add to it that they Already admited they could near perfectly balance weapons, but they feel that would be Boring, and instead they want weapons to have Seasons. Here is the direct words from the Trollheaded Noneck Luke"Bag of Dildos"Smith : Schreier: Are you gonna nerf Thorn? Smith: So one of the things that’s really good about having a live game that we’re able to update a bunch is that we have this freedom that allows us to balance and bring into style and bring out of style different weapons. We want to have different weapons that have different seasons and ages and, you know, ‘This was the time when X was really powerful.’ When the game shipped, October last year, the Regime, SUROS. Now SUROS is but a memory. So I think that a bunch of weapons are on their own journey, and they’re all gonna get their time in the sun. ^^^^ so there you go, Bungie is the reason you will always have Op and Underpowered guns in the game . That's the way they want it. -blam!- what the Players want

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      • Edited by T-Faust: 1/20/2016 8:47:09 AM
        I agree. Way too many people bitching and moaning about shit that needs to be nerfed. There's always something to complain about with you people.

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        • I would say "cool story, bro," but I can't seem to find one in this game.

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        • Bungie the suros regime is op please nerf. *gets suros regime Bungie this suros is shit please buff.

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        • Nicely said.

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        • Mmm kinda. People bitched about suros first. and bungie went.. hmm suros is a bit op... better nerf EVERY -blam!-ING AUTO RIFLE. yo bungie thorns dot is op. Bungie went hmm we agree... let's make it so hand cannons are essentially RNG on whether or not the hit registers. Hawksaw is op bungie!!! Your starting to get the picture.

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        • Edited by mntydeadfish: 1/20/2016 8:31:44 AM
          No. We didn't develop this game. And while most nerfs are provoked by the community, bungie do the nerfing. You're practically saying this behavior from bungie is OK. No its not. I'm sick to death of defending the absolute morons in this community from even more stupid idiots.

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        • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 1/20/2016 6:05:07 AM
          How does Bungie's ballsack taste in your mouth? You're only making the game worse because you're saying. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault, it was ours!" Which lets them believe that they can continue to do it anyway they like because nothing was ever their fault, nothing bad was caused by them.

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          • We all have our own opinions. I do believe that every thing that has gone wrong with this game back to the very first nerfing is all on BungieVision's shoulders! People can bitch, moan and complain but, at the end of the day it's BungieVision that decides what goes on with in the game. They let it go to shit and they continue to let it go to shit. They need to reach into their panties and grab their balks and tell the people who bitch, moan and complain to shut it and move on. That's my opinion!

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          • Full bucking shit, dude. As hopelessly stupid as this community is (which I'm glad I'm technically not a part of since I don't play the game), they're not the ones with final say on what goes on in the game. If anything changes in the game it's because Bungie decided they wanted it, whether or not due to fan feedback. See, here's why I call the Destiny fan-base stupid: you all blame each other for everything rather than the people actually doing it (worth noting it's always the same people, too). "Titans and Warlocks ruined Arc Blade!" "Titans ruined Blink!" "Hunters ruined Sunbreakers!" "Scrub snipers ruined shotguns!" No, they didn't. Bungie did. And the little blame that you could MAYBE get away with pinning on the fans, is barely even their fault to begin with. When people wanted a Thorn nerf, they just wanted its two-shot kill capability gone, they didn't want the entire hand cannon weapon class to be run into the ground. When people wanted a Sunbreaker nerf they really just wanted a cooldown on Cauterize and that's it. Bungie were the ones who decided to destroy the super and any semblance of power that it had. What is wrong with you people? Band together and get the problems with this game fixed as one. You all turning against each other just means that Bungie can sit back and do nothing because no one's actually putting any pressure on them to fix their shitty game. Think, people. As deign as I am to admit, you have brains. Try using them for more than five seconds.

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            • All the people did was play the game. They didn't physically change the Meta . Which by the way was bullshit. You had a PvP meta, which depended on PvE guns. Get good pussy

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            • Edited by RoseScythe: 1/20/2016 8:09:20 AM
              When you say [i]YOU[/i], are you referring to hunters? If so, you're right.

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              • All i can hear is this guy in the bathroom sucking bungies dick

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              • And who do you think approved all that ridiculous whining? Who catered to that? Did it magically appear in the game? No. [i]Bungie[/i] implemented those nerfs and [i]metas[/i](smh). They didn't have to do those things. They chose to. I don't know any other gaming company that feeds off the tears of their gamers.

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              • Yep. That's pretty much it. The salt sticks around while the fans abandon these forums because they shouldn't be shat on for expressing their enjoyment in this game.

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              • My kids yelled and screamed for candy everytime we passed a store or stopped at a gas station. But it wasn't their fault if I bought them some and they got cavities. It was mine.

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                • Actually, it's your fault specifically.

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