Recently i was called an elitist when doing a raid with an lfg team. When forming the team we had 5 318+ guardians and one of them suggested his lowly 309 friend to fill the last spot. Myself and another teammate showed our displeasure in having a low light character join us as we know for a fact that people who are 318+ are skilled and people below 310 are not.
Against our better judgement we let this player in. After 5 attempts on warpriest with the same 309 dying we finally passed it any moved on to golgoroth. There this player died alot. And then when i asked why are you dying all the time to him and that maybe you should raise your level to 315+ before doing a hard raid he snapped back at me you are an elitist.
I dont know why he called me an elitist. Maybe it was because i was staying alive and he was dying alot. Then he said that those requirements arent needed to beat hard mode and that is elitism because i have a higher light than him.
I am not an elitist but i do believe that one player is better than another based entirely on his gear. Its not my fault that he isnt skilled enoughto get to 315+.
[url=]This is an example of his skills[/url]
Edit: we were wiping after the guy in the video missed grabbing the gaze causing most of the team to get wrecked.
Sounds like elitism to me bro. In all honesty you only need to be 305+ up until golgoroth. You could be lower if you were a good first gaze holder. I've recently become sour to the raids due in somewhat to similar situation. I raided on my warlock last week(2nd time HM) and I'm not a fan of my warlock. 2 guys constantly died at totems. They were 314-317. We probably wiped about 4-5 times. No one said a word about. We just kept resetting doing out job and all they did was make excuses. Stating how we weren't killing knights or wizards and they'd kill them. My wizards were always down and no knight I saw got past the brand podium. Then we get to the war priest challenge. I died twice with aura; once on right due to an adept not being killed(1st phase), and once in middle due to warpriest not being staggered in time(2ndphase.) My friend died once and another random died. The two very same guys who where dragging out totems wouldn't shut up about how it isn't hard and if they had it they wouldn't have died. Most of the deaths were due to one of them slacking in their role. Same damn thing happens to golgoroth. I had to leave and in all honesty haven't even felt like raiding this week. I assume Friday I will on my Titan but man if that wasn't one of the worse if not worst raid experience I've had. I'm also comparing this to the 7-8times I've made it to oryx and not beat him.