originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Nope. Not ok."
*Flipping the bird at the 4th wall she accelerates towards the center village.
As she approaches, she begins draining the energy fueling the fires, bringing them down*
[spoiler]Hue hue hue.
[spoiler]wouldnt that be quantum-chemics?[/spoiler] [b]You quench some flames. But their are too many to take down on your own. You hear a lot of "Bzzt" from the village.[/b]
[spoiler]Nah. That would be adding molecules or atoms to the fire.[/spoiler] *Shadow flies over the village, circling before landing in the courtyard*
[b]You see that many of the bots are no longer operational. And stagnant. One rushes up to you.[/b] [i]"Bzzt- a master?!-Bzzt-have you come-Bzzt-to grant us-Bzzzt-update-bzzzt?!"[/i] [b]He is having trouble talking [/b]
"Of course. Is there anything I need to know?" *She looks around the small town and her eyes narrow* "Something happen?"
[i]"Total-Bzzt-meltdown-Bzzt-no-update-Bzzt-old-software-Bzzt-control tower-Bzzt"[/i] [b]He shuts down [/b]
[spoiler]Control tower, need to head there and plug in update.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Got it right?[/spoiler] *Shadow notes a tower in the distance* [i]Control tower.[/i] *She summons a platform of condensed air in front of her and jumps onto it. The platform begins to move in the direction of the tower, Shadow standing on top of it*
[b]Its a humongous tower on the east side. With giant tesla coils giving off tons of electricity. It seems that there is an elevator that goes up through the thin body of the tower to the large dome on top.[/b]
"Huh. Zap zap. Where's Paige when ya need her?" *Smiling at the memories she lands in front of the tower and walks in*
[b]The glass elevator projects a holographic key pad. With only a big arrow going up, and the words [i]PRESS[/i] in a box.[/b]
"Big red buttons are my favorite, but if it says PRESS on it I can't resist." *She taps the screen, and waits*
[b]The elevator begins to rise. It goes very fast. You see everything from the elevator. The fires. The factories. ....The elevator shakes.[/b]
*Shadow rocks with the elevator, prepared to slip out of it if it fell* [spoiler]Wink wink nudge nudge wot wot?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Lol no[/spoiler] [b]It stops. Abruptly. The inertia sending you to the ceiling and back down into the ground. He elevators power goes out. There's still a good mile or two worth of height left. Time to climb[/b]
Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 1/24/2016 8:12:21 PM*Shadow slides into a shadow inside the car, then slides back out on top of it* "Hmm...." [i]Fly.[/i] *She faintly glows blue, then lifts off and begins streaking towards the top of the elevator shaft*
[b]You move up the elevator shaft to the top. Where the elevator door is closed.[/b]
*Shadow pulls the doors apart*
[b]You see a hooded figure in a cloak at the the control panel. He hasn't seemed to notice you yet.[/b]
*She cloaks and walks silently over to look over the figure's shoulder*
[b]You see a stream of electricity flowing from the control board and into his arms.[/b]
[i]I really should have brought Paige.[/i] *Grinning, she taps on the figure's shoulder, then steps to the other side*
[b]You feel the electricity surge through your body sending you flying to the edge of the elevator door.[/b] [i]"AHHHHHHH....your energy is....positively rich!!!"[/i] [b]The figure turns to you. And takes off the cloak. He is in the shape of a man. But his body...it's all electric. Like a blue lightning bolt. He has no features on his face.[/b] [i]"This will be....SHOCKING..."[/i] [b][i]BOSS BATTLE: ELECTRODOME[/i][/b]
"Oh boy. An elemental got loose again." *Shadow sighs as she gets up, then wards herself* "[i]Thunderus Appeal. Grounded. Agility. Triple Tiered Repulse. Negative Shield. Positive Drain.[/i]" *Looking over the elemental, she already notes several weak points in his matrix, and grins* "Hey shock boy, a bit unstable aren't ya?"
[spoiler]Uhhhh[/spoiler] [spoiler]I don't think he's what you think he is[/spoiler] [spoiler]I made this guy up[/spoiler] [b]He shocks a beam to the side of you. And the other. Making Tesla coils which electrocute you.[/b]
[spoiler]It's smack talk. Hello? It's Shadow. She loves to talk smack.[/spoiler] *She just grins as the lightning dances across the surface of her skin before flowing into the floor* "Hey buddy, ever take physics?"
[spoiler]Oh I thought you were mistaking it for something else.[/spoiler] [spoiler]And this is a boss battle. No easy road.[/spoiler] [b]He Absorbs all of the electricity and shocks you with a powerful beam of electricity.[/b] [i]"I've always been more of a computer science guy!"[/i]