originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The same thing happens with both doors in the room. But...it looks like you can go through these ones...[/b]
"No choice then" *Walks through the south door*
[spoiler]>west or east[/spoiler] [b]You go through the east door. You feel your molecules ripped apart then put back together again. The room is the same as it was before, with the tall wall and the ramp leading up the side to the bombs. Though, significantly different. Black, incomprehensible particles fall and rise. The ground is a dark yellow. The wall is dark, and the ceiling is night. This...is Twilight.[/b]
[spoiler]Twilight Princess?[/spoiler] *Walks up the ramp, and looks at the Bomb*
[b]Suddenly you feel an arrow pierce your shoulder. And a hooded figure with a massive longbow, on top of the cliff, draws another shot.[/b]
*Flinches back a bit, then casts Blizzard, shooting a chunk of ice at him*
[b]It goes through him. He lets off another shot which splits the arrow in your shoulder.[/b] [b][u]Your attack went right through him. Like he's on a different plane of reality then you. As is [i]everything[/i][/u] in the room [/b]
"Damn, I don't think il be able to fight back" *Runs back through the door*
[b]It knocks you back. You see another arrow wizz by your head.[/b] [spoiler]Only something from Twilight can hurt him right? What could be in the room?[/spoiler]
"The bomb!" *Runs back, picking up the bomb and throwing it. I then cast Firaga, lighting it*
[b]It blows up. But, you just through a bomb without giving a direction. The twilight archer looks at you for a second. Then slow claps.[/b]
*Quickly picks up another and throws it at him, casting Firaga and igniting it right as it is about to hit his face* [spoiler]I swear......[/spoiler]
[b]It blows up. Sending him reeling backward. He stays in the back of the cliff. So now you can't get a view on him. [u]The water from the ground is still spewing.[/u][/b]
*Picks up another bomb and throws it at the crack, then ignites it*
[b]It blows up. Flooding the room with water. Allowing you to get up to the cliff[/b] [b]The bombs get consumed by the water.[/b]
*Swims up to the cliff, and climbs up*
[b]Almost immediately you are shot with an arrow. He draws his bow again.[/b]
*Grabs the arrow and Conjures a bow made of void energy. I then jump over him and shoot his arrow back at him*
[b]The arrow pierces him. Harms him. But bounces off him.[/b] [i]Agh![/i] [b]He disappears in some type of digital vortex. Then appears again. And shoots another arrow at you.[/b] [spoiler]You have the right idea!!!![/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ayyyyy[/spoiler] *Slides and grabs the arrow, firing it back at him*
[spoiler]There is something you can do to do more damage with the arrow.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Your pretty strong right?[/spoiler] [b]He teleports again but you catch his knee. He lands behind you falling to the ground, where he stabs an arrow through your foot then hitting you across the face with his bow [/b]
[spoiler]Yeah[/spoiler] [spoiler]Former Security Lieutenant Remember?[/spoiler] *Grabs his bow and slams him in the face with it*
[b]It knocks him back again. The bow disappears from your hand and back into his where he immediately let's an arrow off into your chest. Using an arrow he is still holding in his other hand he fires another arrow off in a second [/b]
*Flips over him and grabs his bow, choking him with it*
[b]He tries to claw at your face, and elbows you in the stomach trying to escape. He teleports, but you go with him. Still having him in your death grip.[/b]
*Twist the bow, snapping his neck*