You can't have dedicated servers across four platforms. Just too much work involved.
Lol@ u! BF you can even rent your own dedicated server.
Battlefield 4 did it across 5.
battlefield works 100% differently than destiny in both the way you join games and find them down to the fact that they left most of the servers up to the player base to buy and pay for them on their own. dice had their own servers, most people played on the custom ones paid for by clans. they would have to completely rework the way the back end code and make almost a brand new game for PVP before they could even get close to being similar to dice servers for battlefield games.
That's certainly true, but It's more of a proof of concept kind of thing. The fact that battlefield could do it means that theoretically, bungie could do it to.
This...If it was current gen only (XB1 and PS4) then ya. It's feasible. It would cost a fortune to manage dedicated servers across 4 different platforms.
Not with this sweet $45 deal.