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originally posted in: So.. Just raided with a squeaker.
1/21/2016 6:04:01 PM
You act as if you were never a child playing video games. What a dick.

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    Nobody wants to listen to somebody yell at their mom or dad then die a bunch blaming it on other people. Stop acting like a victim and be mature on the mic. Learn to be sympathetic to other players and know when to mute your mic. I don't mind playing with kids but every time I find myself in this scenario i do what op did.

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  • I get that. I mute my mic when some background noises might get annoying. But everybody here just wants them to mute their mic for the whole raid.

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    Yeah that wont work but if the kids were able put themselves in other peoples shoes they would know when to mute themselves as to not blow peoples heads with "NOOOOOOOOOO IM DOING IT RIGHT NOOOOOOOWWWWW MOM, ILLLLL DOOO IT LATERRRRR!!!" Also knowing what is need to info and what is human mouth spam is a huge plus and a sign of maturity. Odd future bbo has left the party Odd future bbo has left the fireteam

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  • You guys are expecting 12 years and younger to act like an adult. I don't know about you, but when I was 11 I wasn't very mature.

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    If they want to play with mature teams then need to be able to be mature. I wouldnt play hm if im was not geared for hm. Sucks for them but if they want to be themselves they need to find people on their level, make a squad, and leave the squeeling out of my raids plez. I play games to have fun, not put up with headache causing ear cancer....:/

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    I meant on the level as in "on the same page" or "like minded"

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  • How does level have anything to do with this? Remind me to add maturity to my next LFG post. :/

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    I always post for mature/adult groups. Save yourself the headache. Like I said I dont mind kids as long as they can act they belong in a group of mixed age people. Things kids do: Die alot and blame the team Invite annoying friends to party and talk about school during oryx run Scream at mom or dad Scream at sibling Talk non stop at a blistering volume Talk over everyone Direct people that already know what to do Sing Rap Play phone games while playing raids "hold on guys I have to do a stupid thing on clash of clans. Do you guys play clash of clans. You should play clash of clans. I love it. Add me to you whatever group on there. I play at school sometimes, Oryx slammed! Hold on its my turn on clash of clans. Did you know this meaningless fact about clash of clans?! Its so cool." Drags everyone into their chaotic ADHD worlds so that no one can focus leafing to wipes that is then blamed on team. Things mature players do: Listen to team Contribute helpful info when necessary Team player Talk at a normal volume/speed Dont sing Dont rap Focus on task at hand

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  • THANK YOU!!!!! Mmmmuah (the show the office reference) I couldn't agree more!!!

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  • Really? I can list things adults do. Constantly talk about their work How hard they smashed their wife/girlfriend How much alcohol they drink How they love driving their new car How much they love weed Constantly yell at you because you messed up Think because they are older, they can just say anything they want to you. The list goes on, so the same thing goes for mature and older people.

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    I dont play with dickheads or idiots either :)

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    Hit my group up or join sometime. Were chill and dont talk down to people. Gt same as UN

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  • Back in my day our systems had less tech as a modern controller

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  • So? That literally means nothing.

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  • Back in my day, there were no voice communication features on consoles so wether a child played it or not didn't really matter.....but now....

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  • Now you have to deal with it, you played games as a child, now children want to play games. It's not their fault they have a high pitched voice. Get over it.

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  • That means that your argument is invalid. There were no squeakers along time ago because you couldn't talk online, now you can, now it's different. So saying that "you were a kid once" does not matter.

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  • But that also doesn't give you the right to bash on squeakers. "Oh shut up kid, I was playing games before you were born." Just because when you were a kid you didn't have voice chat, doesn't mean kids now days have to act like they don't have voice chat, which is what you "adults" want.

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  • Edited by Dont Worry Im Trash: 1/22/2016 8:47:15 PM
    1) I'm 17 not exactly an "adult" yet. 2) the only bad thing about squeakers is their obsession with putting the mic in their mouths 3) I don't bash squeakers and do I play with them Which brings me to my previous statement. Your argument is invalid

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  • Learned to stfu when it wasn't required, the hard way at 9 when I raided in Everquest. If you got nothing smart to say, -blam!- off. Regardless of Age.

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  • I can imagine nobody talking in your raid team...

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  • Oh we do talk, about adult stuff, where a 10-18yrs old would know -blam!- all about. Simple really. If a squeaker will join my 21+ raid team, then i hope he doesn't mind the 21+ language about how my friend ravaged his wife in bed.

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  • Haha, adding 18 years old acting as if they are just as dumb. I forgot there was a big knowledge difference between 18 and 21. I guess 17 and 18 year olds still have mommy and daddy watch their language. [spoiler]sarcasm [/spoiler]

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  • If you're an adult, chances are you grew up in an age before online video games. Y'know?

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  • So I'm an adult if I didn't play online games as a child or online games weren't out?

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