Just an example, dont get your panties in a bunch here people.....
lets say there are 25 million people that have atleast bought the original destiny. 25,000,000 x $59.95(US Price) = $ 1,498,750,000
now a lot of those people probably stopped playing the game before TDB, or before HOW. but lets say half bought both TDB and HOW...
$20(TDB) + $20(HOW) = $40 x 12,000,000 = $480,000,000
and one step further if only half of those people bought TTK, $40 x 6,000,000 = $240,000,000
That is a grand total of 2,218,750,000 over 2 billion dollars .
Of course that number should be a lot higher cause most everyone bought all three DLCs and only a majority probably bought the collectors edition or one of the f me bundles they offered around Christmas.
ill take it one step further for salaries of employees. if the median salary of a game developer, on the high end, is 55k and they had 100 people that's only 550,000 in the first year of gaming. they could afford to pay over 100 people that for the span of the 10 year plan and still wipe their ass with money in all 10 years, every day, twice a day.
So the 176,750 tripled for sake of an argument, is at just under the amount they are paying there employees for 10 years. if they cant manage a dedicated server even on only next gen consoles then I would really like to see the business model/plan for this game to see where the hell all the money went. Cause it is outrageous..
again my claims on the 25 million players is just heresay im not sure how many people actually bought the game, or the DLC, this whole post is just an example at how the money is being spent who knows where.
Activision shareholders say hi :)
Its hard to believe that so many people think Bungie gets all the cash from sales
whose so many people?
Everyone on the forums that Bitch and Moan about the Five Hundred Mill and why Bungie is not taking the money earned from sales and MTs to make this game even better