Thomas A. Edison purportedly said "'I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." In the same vein, Destiny is also not a failed experiment, because now we know all the ways a shared open world shooter with RPG elements doesn't work.
[b]1. RNG doesn't work.[/b] The number 1 complaint of Guardians is the failure of RNG. It seems utterly broken, but in fact it is working as advertised. Random rewards are random, which means some Guardians will [i]never [/i]receive the loot they need.. For Destiny 2, I sincerely hope Bungie plans on scrapping RNG in favor of set loot.
[b]2. The light system doesn't work[/b]. The leveling system in Destiny is and has always been dependent on the light level of randomly dropped gear. Leveling is only tangentially related to player experience and at best only mimics true character progression. The light system is the reason 80% of players quit after they hit level 20 and why most players will never hit max level.
[b]3. Custom load-outs in competitive multiplayer doesn't work.[/b] The current dominance of a few weapons, a.k.a. "the meta", is a direct result of letting players pick their load-out with the same weapons they use for cooperative multiplayer. It's an endless cycle of finding the weapons with the quickest time to kill, everyone using those weapons, and then Bungie nerfing those weapons. Letting everyone use whatever weapon they want seem like crazy fun but it just doesn't work.
[b]4. Peer-to-peer doesn't work (anymore). [/b]Console players have tasted the fruit of dedicated servers and everything else is a lagfest.
[b]5. Using websites for matchmaking doesn't work.[/b] The raid, nightfall, and Prison of Failures are the only cooperative activities without matchmaking. Raid completion rates are stagnated at 23%. The new raid has less than a 10% completion rate. If Bungie dropped the raid from Destiny, the vast majority of players wouldn't notice much less care. That seems wrong to me.
[b]6. Silence/smugness doesn't work.[/b] A good bulk of the community hate on Destiny and Bungie could have been avoided if Bungie actually talked to the players instead of issuing obtuse and unapologetic updates.
[b]7. Bullet sponge boss fights don't work.[/b] I know Bungie said the new bosses in Year 2 wouldn't be bullet sponges, but the shield bros., Restorative Mind, Darkblade, Warpriest, Goloroth, the siters, and all those Taken champions absorbed a lot of bullets so far in Year 2. The only new boss who isn't a bullet sponge is Oryx, and that is because Oyrx is completely resistant to bullets and can only be harmed by his own bombs.
[b]8. Gimoire cards don't work.[/b] Seriously, just put the lore in the game.
[b]9. Time-gating activities/rewards doesn't work.[/b] Destiny bleeds players over time, making every new exotic or new challenge always too little too late. Or maybe Bungie could let us know the plan for distribution for new material so players know there is an option besides quitting forever.
[b]10. Making players play Destiny the Bungie way doesn't work.[/b] Give us the tools. Don't restrict how we can use them. We'll have more fun that way.
Edited by Thane: 1/21/2016 8:28:22 PMGreat points, not sure about the 6th though .... They seem to be terrified to say anything anymore (for obvious reasons). They need to realize the position they're in THEN communicate with their player-base. Destiny maintained an insane drop rate in player-count over the past year (a complete cluster-blam!- if not for the vanilla preorders) and most of those who haven't left yet are pissed. So the next time anyone at Bungie feels the need to crack a "throw money at the screen" like joke, they need to STFU. What am i saying ...... This soulless franchise was done before it even started.