Your posts are starting to go from funny, to trying just a little too hard, Poon.
perfect amount of effort if i do say so
Edited by PONETHEPOON: 1/21/2016 11:22:48 PMOccasionally the post material (as in this case) could [b][i]be[/i][/b] funnier, but I don't want to risk a ninjaing. If you saw my [b]Queen[/b] post, or my [b]Download size of HoW[/b] post, you'd know what I'm referring to. [b]IMO[/b] They were completely under the forum guidelines, but having them trend for so long+a few too many innuendoes attracts unwanted ninja action. I had some better ideas for this one but I felt they could fall to the ninja, so I had to back off a bit. Ha
-blam!- those ninjas. They've banned me twice already!!! Once because of my crude and offensive comments which honestly deserved a ban... And the second for [i]talking about xim4[/i]. Did you know that the use of xim4 in game is allowed, but the discussion of it on the forums can result in a temp ban from commenting on the forums. DaFuq?
Nah, that post needed that level of over the top trying. I think he perfected that one xD