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1/22/2016 12:25:03 AM

How are you supposed to counter a fist of havoc?

It's nothing more than a panic button. A goddamn panic button. It requires literally ZERO skill to kill people with it. You simply press a button and everyone around you dies in less than a second. Once the animation has been initiated, the only way to stop it is if you have a super, three rocket launchers, or a dozen shotguns already aimed at the guy. No other super activates that fast, so unless you have one already active, and are aiming at them, you've got pretty much no freaking chance of stopping it. What the hell are you supposed to do? Stay away from all titans at all times just in case one might have it ready? Killing a Titan before he has the chance to press the button doesn't work, as he'll simply have it ready the next time he respawns. It's simply not feasible to kill a Titan after the button's been pressed unless he's already severely wounded. Why the hell is it that whenever this is brought up on the forums, everyone jumps to its defense? The striker subclass is supposed to be unstoppable, I get it. What I don't like is how no other class has a super that's that goddamn effective. No other class has a super that, once activated, guarantees that everyone around you will die unless they either happen to have a super capable of killing you already active, or they have a fist of havoc that they can also use to survive the explosion. I know that these forums has a severe allergic reaction to the word "nerf", but I really think that Fist of Panic deserves it. At least make it so that in PVP it requires a second to charge before detonating, making their window of vulnerability slightly larger. "Press a button to instantly kill everyone around you." is OP in the crucible even amongst supers. It simply can't be countered by anything because once it's activated, you've got less than a second to react, which is not enough time to do anything capable of stopping it. Either give us a more time to counter it, or give the other classes a super each that is equally unstoppable. [b]To everyone who will inevitably side with the super and insult me in the comments below, I genuinely want to know how you can justify this. Every super has a bane, a weakness, except this one. GG has no armor and can easily be shut down, WoD can be countered by simply staying away from the bubble or blowing it up with another super, Stormcaller is easily noticable and thus gives players a chance to react and flee from it. Fist of Havoc has no weakness. If you're in range when it's activated, you will die.. If you disagree, I challenge you to explain a reliable method of not dying when you're in range of an incoming panic fist.[/b] Seriously, the only ways a FoH could actually NOT kill people is if they somehow belly flopped off the map, chose to waste it when there were no enemies around, or if they chose to belly flop at someone who already had GG aimed at them ready to fire. Also if someone reacted by activating their own belly flop so the armor would protect them, but that's assuming they're a titan and also have a ready-to-activate FoH. All of the above can be avoided with even the slightest bit of competence and should not be considered "weaknesses" of the super.

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  • The weakness is that you press the button and it's over. Just like nova bomb, but with less range. Complaining about striker is hilarious.

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  • Blink, shadestep, Twilight Garrison.

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  • No Titan+Lvl 5 Warlock+Lvl 40 Hunter+Less than 150k medal score= Scrub who is not worth my time or insults.

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  • Does not have titan Opinion is invalid Git gud scrub

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    2 Replies
    • Bro ur medal score is 150k! What did you get killed like twice?

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    • Edited by J Stevensontown: 1/22/2016 6:58:08 PM
      U have no Titan!! Ohh, your a newb, we get it now. Lol

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    • Draw backs bud. Every class is OP and every other class is not.

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    • [quote]Golden gun, Nova bomb, hammer, tether, suppressor nade, snipe, shotgun[/quote]

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    • Well that was an absurdly long, drawn out story of how butthurt you are being killed by FoH. Every paragraph said the same thing. Damn, go cry a river. This game needs NO MORE NERFS!! Knock it the feck off already.

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    • Don't get close? Use a gun with a scope that identifies supers? Git gud skrub?

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    • It's a freakin super!!! Your not supposed to counter it!!!

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    • Edited by Benzene21: 1/22/2016 6:42:03 PM
      Uh, it's a single use super. That's the bane. It doesn't have range either. The animation also gets you killed. It takes time to get out of animation and you are defenseless for 1-2 seconds.

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      2 Replies
      • Lol at this Congrats!

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      • Lol, it's a one and done super. It might be OP If you got to run around and panic smash for 30 seconds but... You don't. Sometimes you'll luck out and get a multi. But more often than not you'll get singles and doubles mostly.

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      • Lol seriously? You have a hunter and a level 5 warlock? Maybe make a titan, play the game longer than the two days you've owned it, then come back to us and bitch. We still won't take you seriously, but at least you won't look as stupid as you do now.

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      • Counter goes something like this... Step 1:Place hands behind head with legs spread shoulder with apart Step 2: bend at waist placing head in between knees Step 3: pucker lips in sensual fashion Step 4: kiss ass goodbye! Let me know if this helps!

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        1 Reply
        • 1- get over yourself 2- I mean it get over yourself 3- get an omolon thesan, zap those titans to the spacedust they pretend they are. Lolz at the wall of text. BUMP

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          • 1. Suppressor Grenade 2. Shadowshot 3. Nova bomb 4. GG (before the smash) 5. Blink (or jump) 6. Grow a pair 7. Fist of havoc 8. Don't grow a pair and run! 9. Don't go onto the forums and cry, play the -blam!-ing game and find out Last but not least #10, which is the most effective of them all, play a different game and pick up all this -blam!-ing salt, the forums have enough already.

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            • Of course just nerf it. Pvp is were you can use it. For pve it is to weak.

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            • It does take skill when 4 people are spamming u idiot

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            • I main a hunter but also use my Titan and warlock in trials and iron banner, I've always considered a fist of panic to be when a Titan is ready to die and uses it on one person only, if used on a group then he just used it right. Seriously it's kids like you that ruin the game for everyone cause they're ass gets handed to em in crucible you're a hunter you should be blinking and or something quit complaining. #getgood

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            • If you use it SITUATIONALLY it's not as annoying. I don't use mine ON A SINGLE guardian unless I'm in iron banner and near completing the 10 kill streak part of one of the weekly bounties. I only use it on a group or someone IN A SUPER, usually with helm of inmost light so I can use it at range, usually no one sees it coming

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            • The downside of fist of havoc: the striker is in the center of it. To get a kill one must literally be in the middle of enemies. Hence the short activation time. It's not like nova bomb or golden gun where you lob an orb of doom at range, or have 3 pinpoint shots with exceptional range. Those specials can afford an activation time. But what about death from above or shockwave? Well, death from above requires the titan to be a good bit in the air before activating, so there is your "charge time". Shockwave deals damage at range, but only directly in front. The rest of the super remains the same. And there is an activation time. While standing or sprinting, the titan first leaps before smashing the ground. I understand this window is small, but if it is used as a panic on a single target, the super wasn't used to its fullest potential. It was wasted on a single target. While in the air, the titan just sorta falls aggressively, unless using death from above. There are windows to shut this super down, but it is meant to be difficult. No one-shot super should be easily shut down mid use. If a super is being used, it should be able to trump your neutral game. Not always the other way around.

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            • Normally jumping up and back wards or blinking can counter it. But you must be at the apex of your jump. Also, if the super were less strong than it already is, it would be total garbage. It's a one-and-done kind of super with pretty much no range (unless you have shockwave, which is very easy to dodge). It normally only grabs one, maybe two kills. It's pretty easy to spot a fiat of havoc before it even comes though, normally, any Titan sprinting at you is using his super. (Given he has enough time in the game for the Titan to have recharged it). The only other times I see this super used is what most call the "fist of panic" yes, this happens a lot, but it is a very poor use of the super, only getting one kill, most of the time.

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              • This is by far the dumbest thing I've read in at least 2 months.

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                • It's a one time use super, I do always look for the chance to destroy a whole team but it doesn't happen all the time( since it's a whole team I get destroyed ). Only other thing it's good for is killing a super or stopping an objective. You also don't have a titan, so no one is going to take what you say seriously. I'm not taking it seriously and suggest you start one. These nerfs need to stop, they are starting to destory the game. Play the game adapt and overcome.

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