[spoiler]Cri evryteim[/spoiler]
Suddenly the wall explodes. A ship can be seen with Roger at the guns. "Shepard! Run!"
Nightmare growls. [b]"No!"[/b] He flings dark energy at the ship and traps Shepard to the floor with a sort of evil slime.
[b]he jumps into the portal, azazael in close pursuit?[/b] "WHO ARE YOU?! ARE YOU MORGAN FREEMAN...." [u]"yeah... Pretty sure that's Morgan freeman."[/u]
[i]Icarus actually.[/i] Tara just floats and Roger comes out of the ship.
[b]shepard fumbles his way to her, tackling her in a hug. Aze just sorts floats there[/b] "[u]sooo are you Morgan freeman? Cuz Morgan freeman plays God in like, every movie... And am I still your enemy? Am I about to be sucker punched across the face by some kind of Jesus army?"[/u]
[u]Nah, you're cool.[/u] Tara is unconscious but breathing.
[b]he quickly fumbles upward and holds her in his arms[/b] "MEDIIIIIC! AZE WE NEED A MEDIIIIIC!" [u]"don't ask me, man.... Ask the magical disembodied Morgan freeman voice, he's way better educated in such things than me... Also can you like, show yourself? This is kinda creeping me out, mate."[/u]
[u]Oh yes.[/u] Tara is healed. She opens her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" [b]he still carries her[/b] [u]"so... Who are you? Where am I? What is this and WHY DID TARA ALMOST DIE FOR US TO GET HERE?!"[/u]
[u]I am Icarus, the chief angel. This is the Astral realm and it is where Tara and Roger are from originally. As for your last question, she refused my help.[/u] "Shepard? Did we win?"
"Yes... We did... And I'm so sorry for forcing you through that...."
"Through what?"
Edited by Cosmic: 1/23/2016 1:27:00 PM"You had to Banish an actualization of evil to hell... Alone." [b]he hugs her tightly[/b] "And it won't happen again... Atleast not to you... Ever." "[u]I SWEAR TO GOD ANGEL DUDE, WHERE ARE YOU?![/u]" [b]azazael still searches the area for him[/b]
She blushes slightly. "I'm the one who had to do it Shepard. I don't plan on doing it again but I lived didn't I? [u]I'm just above you, or am I below you, or beside you?[/u]
"Good.... I can't lose another Shepard." [b]shepard kisses her again. azazael screams and runs around the area, searching everything for the disembodied Morgan freeman voice[/b]
She blushes deeply. "Sh-shepard!" [u]Hehehe.[/u]
"Hehe what?" [b]azazael searches more frantically [/b]
"Why did you kiss me!?" [u]Now I'm over here, nope here, here!"[/u]
"Sorry, I thought I'd take my chances..." [b]azazael falls flat on his face and just kinda lays there for awhile [/b]
She goes silent, still blushing. [u]This is hilarious.[/u]
"S-sorry... I'll just... Go. Sorry." [b]he slowly starts backing up aze is still laying on the floor [/b] "[u]I AM BEATEN MORGAN FREEMAN, I SUBMIT, A WINNER IS YOU...[/u]"
[b]he starts laughing[/b] [u]"YOUVE BEATEN ME MORGAN FREEMAN, I SUBMIT, A WINNER IS YOU..."[/u]
[u]Now, I'll open the portal back and you should get to the ship.[/u] A portal opens.
[b]aze peels himself off of the floor and Dolphin dives through the portal. Shepard stays one moment [/b] "Sorry about that.... I'll go... Bye." [b]he jumps backward into the portal [/b]
Tara follows them and they return to the ship. Roger takes her in a hug. "I'm glad you're OK."
"I am aswell" [u]"your actions spoke louder than your words, Lucas" [/u] "... They might have.." [b]shepard blushes and aze laughs[/b]
Tara also blushes. Roger just looks confused. "Did I miss something?"