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All I want is the Red Death. The reason in which I say this is becuase well I've been playin since year 1 and well I've kinda been grinding for the red death , but no luck. So please BUNGIE let xur sell the red death, I've tried everything from three of coins to raids and even nightfalls, but the problem is that nightfalls now a day give ghost shells and or low light level amor.PLEASE sell the red death. I still love destiny to heart , however I'm starting to lose faith that I'm not going to find the gun .So please bungie sell the red death tommorow , 1.22.16, pleasee pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Edited by Fusion: 1/26/2016 8:12:00 PMBUNGIE pls sell the red death this weekend , please give out the red death please .I did the nightfall today twice on my two characters and bull, I only got a ghost and an Amor piece,none being exotics.Really bungie really, I don't even know why I keep grinding for hours just to be dissapointed, no wonder the freaken numbers of destiny players are starting to dissipate, so please bungie please sell the red death on friday,please.And if you do than most likely some of us PvP players would have a chance in the trials of osiris.And if you do happen to see this message than achieve the goal of selling the red death, and yes I might sound like I'm just mad, but really I'm just dissapointed that no matter how many hours you put in the raid, 3 of coins, nightfalls,weekly heroics, and so on just to recieve that one gun, it doesn't matter. PLEASE SELL THE RED DEATH , I'm not going to stop requesting so........PLEASE SELL THE RED DEATH.