[b]He regains it but hardly is able to breathe[/b]
[b]He wheezes, his combat armor caved in at certain spots[/b]
[b]the medics search his wounds and remove the armor. They inspect his lungs[/b]
[b]One has collapsed in a section, and the other is punctured He goes into shock, he was beaten pretty bad[/b]
"Nope. Stay with me, dude" [b]he runs to the guys side, and the medics remove the fractured rib, as well as tending to the wound[/b] "Look, look at me. You gotta stay with me bud, who are you?"
[b]He is sedated but he still shakes, and they have a hard time stabilizing him[/b]
[b]he restrains him to the bed, Much to the medics dismay as he is obviously not a medic[/b]
[b]The medics put him under, and move him to an OR[/b] "Are you the next of kin?" [b]A nurse walks up to you[/b]
"No... I'm Shepard, the barrow King, I'm just here to help him, if your gonna try to stop me..." [b]his hand slowly gravitates toward a handgun, a .44, at his hip as he walks alongside him[/b]
[b]The medics yell for security, and men come in armed[/b]
[b]he makes a strange clicking noise, almost like a dolphin for a few moments and 7 men in trenchcoats, gas masks, and fedoras armed with similar handguns [/b]"you still gonna try to stop me? I'm here to help a wounded man, don't turn this into a bloodbath"
[b]The armed men part when a man in power armor walks up right to your face[/b] "Stand. Down."
[b]although much shorter, he doesn't back down[/b] "I'm just here to help man? You gonna shoot me for it?"
"No, we are helping him, removing him at this point may kill him, and I WILL shoot you dickweed if you move him" [b]He holds in his right hand a M9B beretta (modded) and in his left he holds a SCAR-H-X (modded)[/b]
"Look here, mate. I'm just trying to be cool, after General sawyers dissapearance, and the avalons crash, we have been nothing but here for you people... We aren't gonna kill him after all, what would we gain? As well, if you kill me, the leader of the flock... It will echo across the galaxy, riots will ensue, battles will erupt... And this ship will go screaming back to the deepest depths of hell." [b]the men behind him lower their weapons, and he had never drawn a gun in the first place.[/b] "Also it's not advisable to go up against someone who knows all of the technical improficiencies of power armor.."
[b]The arms of the armor reveal Tesla coils He chambers a round in the SCAR His armor ripples with mods that alter the make up of the armor[/b] "Not this armor....."
"If you aren't going to act like the savages you are and would like to be atleast civil in the slightest.. You really live up to the name, huh, FIREteam. First the glassing of my homeworld, then the torture and the living in the shadows of our former selves, then our freedom and alliance... And equality... You are simply tearing down what took years to build, I'm here to help him, oh guardian of lies and puppet to the unseen, he's been gravely wounded by the gangs we've been trying to take down..."