it's funny seeing everyone complaining about sbmm bc they can't pubstomp anymore and their precious k/ds are dropping
you feel like every match is a sweaty now? u don't like losing? how do you think randoms felt going up against you.
u say u can't take a match off now, lol, like u ever did before. please the only time u unequip the meta is when bungie creates a new one with their "balancing"
basically if you complain about sbmm, only thing I have to say is git gud scrub
and let the attacks on my k/d begin
edit: if its the lag that bothers you, then complain about the lag. Bungie said they will look into the latency issues, if you want to believe them
It's cool but PvP overall need a fine tune-up
I member in yr 1 everyone wanted skill based mm don't u, now that they it though
The problem is there is no way to turn it off and have a chill game. I don't want every game to be neck and neck. It's too stressful. Frankly, BLOPS is less intense now. How crazy is that?
At first glance, i thought this topic was about Smash Brothers Melee
Imagine a SBMM system that worked perfectly. That is, no lag, and every guardian is matched perfectly to another guardian of exactly the same skill level. What would be the point of improving? Why try to git gud? It won't matter because all your opponents will be the same level. I know that pub-stomping teams are annoying. I know close games are intense. But isn't it fair that players who hone their skills and improve their game... umm... let's say, catch more fish? Isn't that the reward for improving? To do better in games? Now the flip side of the coin is that newer/less skilled players sometimes get wrecked by some high skilled players. But that only gives us motivation to improve. When we get destroyed by a highly skilled player, we aspire to step up our game. To be like him. It's the very core of a PvP experience. To improve. So we might someday be able to wreck like [i]that guy.[/i] SBMM is undermining the very foundation of the crucible in this way. And then there's the lag...
What we need is a sbmm where connection is top priority. Playing with players near your level is what makes PvP fun. But red bars is what ruins it. They should also add in a party vs solo system in there too. Players in teams will play against other teams. Solo will play solo. If there isn't any teams that have good connections with your team, thats when it should put solos against teams. Its all about playing on even grounds and whatnot. Thats just me anyways.
Im sorry if i care more about a non laggy match then a skilled based one. And whod have thought of that. Wanting a match without lag. Its just ludicrous!
They could restrict matchmaking to my time zone and then go for skill based I wouldn't really mind.
Oh I don't mind skill based matchmaking. The only thing I hate are the immortal red bars that come along with it.
Get good he says lol
Your title tells me you are lazy
I jst wish I could understand why I keep getting put with French and German people all the time. Don't mind pvp but trying to explain keep void knight alive to a Frenchman was impossible. [spoiler]unless the arrogant frog eating swine thought we would run his constantly retreating ass through the end bit, let him kill the one we needed for his convenience and then do ours later with another French -blam!- . Jk :) [/spoiler]
I agree, but if bungie keeps sbmm they need dedicated servers.
Edited by Youre Lightwork: 1/23/2016 12:16:15 AMit's got nothing to do w. Pub stomping or's a shame that players like you can't understand that. I guess you're just happy that you get to face straight up scrubs every game. With that being said, SBMM sucks. & playing solo is a nightmare now. I've been looking to expand my friends list w. Players of similar skill who regularly run 3s. Because the teammates I get are constantly very bad stats compared to me & the players were versing...I assume due to their "rigging" of MM & wanting players to have a 50:50 W/L ratio. If anyone's interested hit me up. PM me because the notifications are broken right now -___- If we play well enough & consistently together we can also organize Sweaties. hit me up!
The good thing is trials still isn't. Good luck on continuing to never go flawless. Peasant.
Edited by zom_bee540: 1/23/2016 12:26:27 AMThe match making should just find the best connections then separate the fire teams by skill. Best player goes to alpha Second best player to bravo Third best to Alpha ext....
Your most likely the red bar with a .6 kd so your happy to blowout for fellow .6ers with your wall piercing bullets.
You don't need to complain about sbmm cause by your stats your still with the low skilled players.
Yeah pub stomping isn't going away it's more prevalent than ever. I really don't see this so called skill based matchmaking I still get matched against scrubs and gods in crucible. The only thing that hasn't gone away is the lag that is back and strong as ever.
Yea so umm... how will I be able to "git gud" when this happens?? Please please, pretty facking please tell me!
SBMM is what is causing the lag and that's what a majority of people are complaining about. You're too much of a sweaty tryhard 13 year old shit to comprehend that. You're what is wrong with this community and the main reason why we there are terms like "squeaker." I fvcking hope you step on legos barefoot, at 4am. Fgt.
Lag is why people are complaining about Skill based matchmaking. The current setup of matchmaking is putting players in matches based on skill instead of connectivity. It doesn't matter how good your internet service provider is, if you're being connected to someone across the world from you you're going to see a drop in connection and your game is going to be very poor. Bungie can't fix a player's internet but they can fix multiplayer to put players in matches based on connectivity so games run smoothly. This is why people should be complaining about Skill based matchmaking. However I agree completely with your post if the players are arguing against SBMM because they are being challenged against similar rated players rather than less good players. The whole point of competitive multiplayer is to fight against rivals of similar skill. Unless Bungie release a social playlist where you fight anyone of any skill, you need to deal with being beaten or losing your precious K/D.
Edited by Angelus Reprobi: 1/22/2016 10:24:55 PMYou should git gud with stats like that before telling others to git gud. From the looks of it you're still getting matched with worse people.
I like Small Boob Milk Makers.
Actually the best way to combat SBMM is to git bad. Tank your stats. Run in circles. Use some green weapons. Ride the bottom of your team. Not only will it mop up the sweat but it will probably net you more rewards because every legendary I see drop usually drops for the bottom 2-3 players.