it's funny seeing everyone complaining about sbmm bc they can't pubstomp anymore and their precious k/ds are dropping
you feel like every match is a sweaty now? u don't like losing? how do you think randoms felt going up against you.
u say u can't take a match off now, lol, like u ever did before. please the only time u unequip the meta is when bungie creates a new one with their "balancing"
basically if you complain about sbmm, only thing I have to say is git gud scrub
and let the attacks on my k/d begin
edit: if its the lag that bothers you, then complain about the lag. Bungie said they will look into the latency issues, if you want to believe them
Get with the programme 'scrub' People are saying this sbmm is causing problems as it's matching people with the same kd regardless of their connect Base. Hence a very laggy experience and those that are on par with your skill can, have a huge deciding factor when it comes to one on one.
Hey you know you might actually- [b]this user was backstabbed in the throat by a blinking titan, move along[/b]
Ok...this has to be satire. Either that or the OP is loading up crucible with a 6 man fireteam. #redbarheaven
Lag just lag man :(
Variks get on the comms
The problem isn't it gets sweaty but the fact that it is more lag. Connection should always be the priority for matchmaking.
lol you wont even be affected by SBMM with that K/D lol
Thanks for butchering the English language...
Also, you have violated the [url=]Code of Sloth[/url] and will be met with intergalactic space sloth justice!
Thank you
Pub? Why are you stomping at pubs? The gears curbstomp our enemies, not take them out for a drink.
It sucks for people good at PvP because it'll force them to go against other people who are good and its good for the noobs because they won't be slaughtered.
None of my SBMM games are sweaty, because I suck. However, since skill is majorly prioritized over connection, my SBMM do come with a large side of latency and lag.
Triplewreck doesn't seem too scrubby, and he is pretty adamant that SBMM is a bad idea. He thinks it should be connection-based matchmaking and makes a pretty good argument for it on Twitter. When people complain about crucible, the #1 issue always seems to be lag related. I don't often see people complain that their opponents don't suck enough.
You obviously have no understanding of what peer to peer matchmaking is and how it affects latency....
The problem with sbmm is that it really only works for a game that is not broken. Right now this game is broken in more ways than one.
TripleWRECK wants sbmm but can't even beat nKuch. [spoiler]tbh I think he is tired of pubbing[/spoiler]
The issue with sbmm is the lag. Crucible has always been bad but never this bad.
Translation: I am really desperate for attention, even if it's hate. Just hearing the sounds of notifications on my phone makes me feel important and let's my family also think this. Please reply to me so I can get trending, which I will edit in later to assert my status as a forum famous fag. LOVE ME!!!
You are why we call iron banner lag banana.
The ONLY thing about sbmm that bothers me is that players of equal or greater skill than me have a freaking RED BAR everything else I don't care about
What's sbmm
It's the unacceptable lag that I hate. Otherwise its fun!
the complaints about SBMM are not "ZOMG WHI CNT EYE GET MI 420 NOSCOPEZZ" it's that it take no consideration about the internet connection of those playing, allowing at times extreme amounts of lag, preventing "skill" from even being a factor of whether you win or lose.
I like it. My kd is slowly going up. The only time I get horribly outclassed is when I'm in a fireteam with my friends who are far better than I am. I've learned to run support/cleanup when I'm with them.