it's funny seeing everyone complaining about sbmm bc they can't pubstomp anymore and their precious k/ds are dropping
you feel like every match is a sweaty now? u don't like losing? how do you think randoms felt going up against you.
u say u can't take a match off now, lol, like u ever did before. please the only time u unequip the meta is when bungie creates a new one with their "balancing"
basically if you complain about sbmm, only thing I have to say is git gud scrub
and let the attacks on my k/d begin
edit: if its the lag that bothers you, then complain about the lag. Bungie said they will look into the latency issues, if you want to believe them
I agree. I support sbmm I am crap in crucible and I admit it. I only played for a short time in vanilla and then quit because I wasn't getting anything out of it. I have now restarted to clear quests and enjoy it because I am not getting stomped every few seconds All those people who were complaining about scrubs who were dragging their team down or didn't know what zones to capture and which ones to leave should also support it as now they should be teamed with people who know what they are doing Sbmm allows new or lower skilled players to play against people with a similar skill level and improve so they can move up players with higher skill. If you die every few seconds you don't get a chance to improve The only bad things about it are the time it takes to get a match and the lag. I can see that Bungie has attempted to sort out the lag issue. If you look at the team roster while you are flying in you can often see a large number of red bars which all go green with only a few poor connections. I believe they are selecting a "host" out of all the players which will minimise the lag By the way, k/d means nothing these days as scrubs can get a reasonable k/d as they are playing against other scrubs. It doesn't mean they are better than people who play against higher skilled people but may have a lower k/d
I'm not very good at pvp so sbmm should work in my favour. Unfortunately it seems that the only people as equally bad as me live on an island in the South Pacific and are using a modem from the mid 90s. The lag (sorry, latency) is atrocious.
Too late, most people have left. Close the door behind you
This post is filled with idiocy.
Seriously.... You're bragging about Destiny crucible -_- dude just drink bleach honestly. All it takes to win in destiny is a good roll on a shotty. Lemme guess you were one of those asshole with a rerolled matador or a party crasher in HoW?? Or a sniper with final round? Yeah buddy takes pure skill in destiny to be a worthless scumbag who ruined/ruins pvp.
This guy has no thought process at all
I prefer skill based. But the lag ruins it.
Why would anyone want to 'git gud'? All that would happen is that you'd be punished by getting tougher opponents! It takes away all motivation to improve.
Everyone saying it's because of bad connections hasn't read other threads on this issue... Yes the connections are bad, but a lot of people are complaining about sweaty matches and they just want to chill blah blah blah etc... Which to me is a cop out, but meh
It's not even necessary. The playlists don't have ranks so therefore there should be no SBMM In regular pvp there should never be SBMM Only in ranked playlists and like IB and ToO should there be SBMM What a stupid way to further ruin this games pvp
Edited by CapnMark: 1/22/2016 4:00:56 AMWhat are you 12 or 17? Only immature players say that. Classy players simply tell people to play better, watch youtube videos and improve.
I thought you were talking about Super Smash Bros Melee... [spoiler]im hungover [/spoiler]
I thought this was about super smash bros melee :(
People's KDs are going down because the connection is so shit.
If the connections weren't as horrid as they are now I'd have almost no problem with sbmm but seeing as even when this game was connection based it was riddled with connection and latency issues this system only makes it that much worse.
Nothing wrong with sbmm, it's the awful connections that are the result of it that I have issue with.
Well, if being 1.0-1.1 as you are means being good then i like your post
You are wrong OP, most of the hatred to skill based match making comes from latency issues it cause as you are often matched with people half way across the world. And a laggy game doesn't make a fun game.
The problem with SBMM isn't harder matches, it's latency issues......
My issue is its just a pain in the ass to find a decent game other than control
The issue for me with sbmm is that it gives bad connections a lot since it's not a priority.
Skill doesn't matter when going against red bars.
You should learn more before you speak. The issue isn't facing similar skilled players. It's the fact that this system doesn't prioritize connection so the crucible is full of lag.
First of all I don't have a fantastic k/d average at best but I don't wanna have to be playing Sweaties or being a try hard every single match sometimes I just wanna chill and have some fun with different loadouts
Actually people complain because instead of finding people close to you, or with similar connection speeds, it finds people with similar skill levels. Which is why the connection is as shitty as it is currently.
Git gud skrub