Exotic sword quest. Looking for two more
Xbox one.
I need void and arc sword in one go. Anyone up for it? Message in game: RockWalker88
*PS4* sunless cell strike for solar exotic sword, need one more PSN austinkane6690 pm for invite
Need 2 for solar ps4
Need one for solar quest (raze lighter) Almost at boss. Msg gt: s0ap 25o (o in soap is a zero)
Need two for raze lighter (solar sword) completion on the sunless cell. Msg gt: s0ap 25o (o in soap is a zero)
Need two for raze lighter (solar sword) completion on the sunless cell. Msg gt: s0ap 25o (o in soap is a zero)
Need help with 2 exotic sword quests. Need to do 2 strikes for void & arc swords. Msg on Xbox One for inv
Need 1 for fire sword
Need 2 for arc sword gt same
Need a raze-lighter group. Msg or inv me. On Xbox one. GT Executor Cruz
Need a raze-lighter group. Msg or inv me. GT Executor Cruz
Looking for a solar group. Msg me or inv me. GT Executor Cruz
Need 2 for solar on ps4
Need 2 for bolt caster (arc). Msg on xbox for inv.
Need two for dealing the blade on Xbox One. I'm doing the solar and/or arc. Message GT Memnoch
Looking for 2 people to help with the sunless cell strike to get the void and arc sword on Xbox One
Need 2 people for dark drinker sword
Need 2 for exotic fire sword, message disi1274, 316 hunter
Void PS4
309 Hunter without a mic looking for a group to get my Solar sword with. Gt is War Panther, on Xbox One
Edited by SUPA FAST WHALE: 1/27/2016 10:50:09 PMNeed two for arc sword Xbox one
Need 2 doing void sword. Add BenjaminBrothers ps4
Solar PS4
Solar message tcreel2010 Xbox one
Solar sword ps4
Ps4 Arc sword Add: Abominus-
Xbox one bolt caster Gt ZeRo M1Dn1t3