[spoiler]The put Roger in a cannon with his super glove on then let Nightmare go into giant mode. Then distract him.[/spoiler]
Nightmare pours more darkness into Azazael.
Tara works on healing Shepard, still blushing.
Edited by PyrrhasGhost: 1/23/2016 3:41:51 PM"I'm fine, I just want to get back to the Avalon and sleep then maybe go have some fun with Mute."
"I can get us back, but..." [u]"mute's dead m8"[/u]
"No he's not, he's back."
"Damn it..."
"What? Shepard... let's just talk about this later."
"It's not that, ITS THE FACT THAT NONE OF YOU F*CKERS KNOW HOW TO DIE AND JUST... STAY DEAD FOR THE LOVE OF GODDD." [b]azazael breaks into laugher, spitting up a soda he was drinking halfway through the sentence [/b]
"Well sorry that we have DETERMINATION." [spoiler]Undertale will prevail.[/spoiler]
"DETEMMINATION TO JUST JESUS OUT OF EVERY SITUATION?! ATLEAST AZE HAD TO DRAG ME BACK FROM HELL A FEW TIMES" [u]"yup... Three times"[/u] [spoiler]i gotchu m80... Temmi [/spoiler]
[spoiler]It's Temmie[/spoiler] "Whatever, I'm not sure how anything works anymore."
"Ehh, I don't question it anymore. People just blow up planets for literally the fun of it...."
"Yeah." She shifts on the bed as the ship enters the Avalon's ship bay.
"Aight, I should probably go... AZEEEEEEE!" [u]"WHAAAHT?!"[/u] "GET US OUTTA HERE!" [u]"FIIINE"[/u] [b]azazael grabs Shepard by his collar and throws him out of the hangar, toward ashuna, he jumps after him[/b]
Tara and Roger go to their rooms and collapse. [i]I AM NOT GONE, THE NIGHT IS NOT DEAD.[/i] [spoiler]End[/spoiler]
"Yeah.... Um..." [u]"mutes dead..."[/u] "Yeaah... He tried to -blam!- someone so he kinda got.... Ya know... Completely destroyed..."
"No...." [b]azazael falls from his floating position just above the ground into his back and laughs hysterically[/b]
"Hehe, yeah.. I figured I'd just kinda go for it" [b]azazael screeches and looks around like a madman[/b]
"What?" [b]he laughs. Azazael starts swinging a demonic sword around, trying to atleast hit disembodied Morgan freeman [/b]
"Yes... He's gone now... And I won't let him come back for you, or anyone." [b]he cries a bit out of pure joy. Aze tries to find where the Morgan freeman voice is coming from [/b] [u]"dude, where are you?"[/u]