it's funny seeing everyone complaining about sbmm bc they can't pubstomp anymore and their precious k/ds are dropping
you feel like every match is a sweaty now? u don't like losing? how do you think randoms felt going up against you.
u say u can't take a match off now, lol, like u ever did before. please the only time u unequip the meta is when bungie creates a new one with their "balancing"
basically if you complain about sbmm, only thing I have to say is git gud scrub
and let the attacks on my k/d begin
edit: if its the lag that bothers you, then complain about the lag. Bungie said they will look into the latency issues, if you want to believe them
Eh it's not that man For example I usually use my finnalas peril in normal crucible but I've noticed that for a the past 2 months, 4 guys in every lobby are try Harding ( tlw/thorn/tys) and my guns don't keep up The only reason I preferred the old matchmaking was because a lot of the times, I just go around the map meleeing people, haven't done that in months because of how sweaty every thing is Takes a good chunk of the fun out of the crucible for me