I hope 2016 is filled with less retards and less offended people.
What makes you lose faith?
What makes you gain some faith back?
Something truly positive to me is that today my dad turned 96 and is very healthy. He cant hear very well anymore and drives me nuts sometimes but he is the sweetest father and im glad he is still with me.
Edit 1: *sigh* there is lots of stupidity but I learned a few things from some posts. In the end not everything is absolutely terrible.
New one: People willing to punish the good innocent and impaired because some people use government assistance badly. Yhea some people use it for drug money (they are sick) but should the elderly and impaired suffer too? The widowed woman? For some reason some people get mad at "government taking my money" but they are completely fine when the 1%ers accumulate money overseas and don't circulate it into the system. The logic gives me a headache