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Edited by KrishnaDaBeast: 1/26/2016 2:59:15 AM


This is killing PvP for me and a lot of players in the Destiny community. [b](TL;DR is down below)[/b] Skill based match making is matching people with "Equal" skill even if it's across continents and that just put lag on a whole new level. There should be ranked playlist and dedicated servers if they want to introduce skill-based matchmaking, so, for now, they should reintroduce connection based match making. Crucible is so sweaty, and it requires you to give the game 100% percent concentration if you want to win a match, which just ruins the fun in playing it in the first place. If you are in the higher ranks and want to use any other guns than the meta=RIP If you play with play with some of your friends who aren't as good=RIP Bungie the last two COD games tried skill based match making and have failed miserably (For example Advanced Warfare) [b][u] [i]TL; DR= Replace skill based matchmaking with connection based matchmaking before it's too late.[/u] [/i][/b] Bungie needs to listen to the community and go back to connection based matchmaking because of the Lag and crucible feeling more of a chore than it being fun. This is a casual game, and if you want it to be competitive then you got to introduce Private matches, dedicated servers and ranked playlist. [u][b]Guys please if you agree please sign and upvote this so people can see. Leave a comment about why you also hate SBMM. If you disagree with this post or some parts of this post please leave me a detailed comment explaining why. [/b][/u] If we want Destiny to be saved then we got to start somewhere important. Let your voices be heard! (Also, tell me if there are any grammatical mistakes or any spelling mistakes) [b]EDIT: Wow you guys are awesome! Keep signing and bumping so hopefully Bungie could see this and the many other posts out there.[/b] [b]EDIT: Please also do not forget to Upvote or click the like button on this post so more people can see this, thank you.[/b] [b] EDIT: 550+ Upvotes? Damn guys keep doing what you are doing. Bungie will have to see this. [/b] For the people that are saying "Oh now it's competitive, wow the horror." Then this is what I personally have to say to you [quote] Have you seen the crucible lately? It's latency issues are on a whole new level because of SBMM. A game like this with no dedicated servers should just stick to P2P connections which you clearly can't comprehend. I could play competitively when I want to feel like it. I organize scrims against competitive people all the time. But when I want to win matches.and have fun, I do not want to sweat and concentrate 100% for the whole watch just to have a chance at winning. It's funny if you actually think Destiny with no crucible balance, no dedicated servers, no ranked playlist, and no private matches could be competitive. [/quote] This is gold [quote] The pure idiocy is they've removed the fun of occasionally having an easier or harder match. It's sweaty all the time, especially if you improve. And further proof of the idiocy is this: where is the reward system that matches the SBMM? So you're going to give people more difficult matches, but reward them with a mote of light? Pull your head out of your ass Bungie,[/quote] By IronChalice For the "special people" that think SBMM is fine and you the top tier players or any players should be forced into laggy games so they don't play against people close to them. Please I challenge you to go read this great post [u][i][b]EDIT: We have around 1600+ Signatures and Bumps. Let's hope Bungie sees this. Tweet this at them. Anything. Just keep Upvoting, bumping, and signing. If you disagree, please don't be ignorant because you post. Read what I and the people in this post are saying before speaking out. I would love to hear everyone's opinion but make it detailed. [/b][/i][/u] A video I found on Reddit. It's an SBMM Lagtage Best comment IMO [quote]I'm not against skilled based matchmaking. Especially if it was clear what skill was rated on. Halo 3, in my opinion, had the best skilled based matchmaking, I'm all for it if it can be replicated. In order for this to work, though, casual needs to be separated from ranked play. Casual players don't want to play hard and ranked players don't want to be sweaty all the time. I chose when I want to go hard, and I believe the majority of the player base does the same.[/quote] [u][b]By The Medic44[/b][/u] [i][u][b] EDIT: Keep on Upvoting, bumping, sharing, commenting, tweeting, anything. Bungo needs to see this clear flaw with PvP and how this alone could kill Destiny. I don't care about the content shortage if it means I can have fun in PvP but now I can't even do that. Bungie, you are killing your own game by not listening to us![/b][/u][/i] [i][u][b] EDIT: OMG 900+ Upvotes and no Bungie. BUNGO SAY SOMETHING. ANYTHING. GET RID OF SBMM. The majority wants it. Guys keep doing what you are doing. We need to get 1000 Upvotes so hopefully BUNGIE can see people don't want SBMM[/b][/u][/i] [quote] HUGE EDIT:Guys, an update about matchmaking! Matchmaking will have more emphasis on connection starting WEDNESDAY. ONLY in Iron Banner. They will analyze that and then roll the matchmaking changes out to more Crucible playlists over time. We have yet to see if these changes will fix the issues, but this looks like a partial win with a full win incoming at an unspecified date. People, PLAY the EFF out if IB after Wednesday's update goes live. Let's let them know with our play time that we want the matchmaking to be CONNECTION based first, skill second.[/quote] [u][b]By Irivingjohn 1985[/b][/u] [i][b] 1000+ Signatures and Bungie finally said something. But it's a beta test, or it would feel like it so please PLAY THE EFF OUT OF IT AND TELL BUNGIE YOU LIKE IT. THIS PETITION HAS ACCOMPLISHED WHAT IT WAS MADE FOR SO THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SIGNING, BUMPING, AND COMMENTING. Tell Bungie you like the new matchmaking, if you like it, please. Someone else should make a petition asking for Bungie to keep the matchmaking if it's good. As for now I have done my job.[/b][/i] [b]WE -blam!-ING WON BOYS AND GIRLS. LET'S GO[/b]

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  • Next complaint: "BUNGIE! I'm constantly get matched with people that wreck me and every game is completely one-sided! Fix it now!"

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  • It's good news bungie has listened to the community, kudos bungie. I have a couple of questions though, how does the game priorities connection when in a fireteam of people from different regions? Who in the fire team will the connection search from?

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  • Lol right now we're getting matched woth laggy sweats Next we're gonna get matched with Super Duper Laggy ass fvck newbs. HAHAH

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  • We finally got someting done I guess

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  • Seem's a lot of people are shouting the Placebo effect... It could well be that Bungie are doing nothing at all in the hope we fall for it. However it's pretty simple to avoid... If you're game is laggy then its laggy....simples no Placebo there.... If you see a player Red barring then Green barring then it's connections or lag switching or whatever you call it.....simples no Placebo there... Placebo my ass, it's plain and clear to see bad connections right in front of you.... You're gaming experience will tell you if anything is different. That said, a message to Bungie, Some of this player base has lost it's trust in YOU, you know why, it's been said enough already so now it's over to you to win them back...

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    3 Replies
    • There seems to be a lot of folks in here who think you've won something, you've won NOTHING from Bungie but more words, and lets be frank they've had several problems words and with the truth of late! I'd judge them on their actions not their words, your still their guinea pig and they've promised you literally nothing of any real merit, they're going to change matchmaking in a TEMPORARY game mode, two and a half months after they broke matchmaking and lied about it, and yet folks are doing victory laps saying they've won concessions from Bungie, all they've done is put you back in cage and started the experiments again. I seriously think some of you have Stockholm syndrome. If they were committed to any real transparency or a proper community relationship they'd have apologized for breaking things in the first instance and rolled things back immediately to how they were before, not lied about it (and not apologized), messed about for two and half months, then offered to start messing about with things again.

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    • Excellent work. Placebo effect??? - that's ridiculous - what else could Bungie do? Posting an update saying they are looking at the issue and trialling a more connection biased matchmaking system (within the next 48 hours), with a view to then rolling it out across other playlists if successful, was the only option they had, and they have done it. So job done - well done OP

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    • You won nothing seeing as your just taking there word for it for now all this could just be a placebo effect when it releases and a lot of people will fall for it

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    • You have to accept the fact that they could literally change nothing at all, lie about it, and people will feel the placebo effect and support the hell out of a change that never happened. This will further reinforce Bungie's belief that their fanbase is easily manipulated. Demand proof.

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      9 Replies
      • Ha-ha so you guys are going to play rift, the worst playlist possible... to get back something that they took away? Not here lol but I hope you guys do impact their decision to give back the normal matchmaking to the rest of the game.

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      • You didn't win Problems in logic 1: they have not promised anything 2: even if they do implement cbmm there is no guarantee it will stay after Wednesday or even after IB 3: this is an attempt to get us to play rift which we were outraged about in the first place 4: they won't implement cbmm in any other game type but IB Seriously big picture guys placebo effect

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        • Signed

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        • Bump

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        • This community doesn't know what it wants a large group asked for a way to face tougher opponents , bungee does just that. Now the community complains. To be honest after a while people will quit destiny faster do to just constant mercy rules that will incur do to unbalanced teams.

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        • While you are off celebrating this success, Give credit to Bungie for listening and being quick aboht it. I for one was not expecting so quick a response.

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        • I disagree with those that say we've won nothing. Red bars don't lie, so if we see less of them and therefore less laggy gameplay, then surely the most logical conclusion that can be made is a more weighted connection based system over skill based. I'd also argue that there are players who play the crucible to such an extent that they could easily identify skill based connections immeditely. So lets wait and see, I don't think Bungie could take another misinformation scandal so I believe they'll be true to their word.

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          • After seeing more comments, bungie is damned if they do, damned if they don't. Even if it is just for IB, Bungie is making the change back to CBMM like yall asked for, yet people still aren't satisfied and making comments like 'i don't believe them', 'i bet it sucks', etc. lol just damn. Also, some of yall have a very pessimistic attitude about things, and then you wonder why you aren't happy/don't enjoy shit.

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            3 Replies
            • And bungie clearly made their decision based on your thread alone

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            • PLACEBO EFFECT

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            • So a post needs 1000 likes to be dealt with by bungie. Now we know.

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              • You won shit. This is going to be like ingame chat where they finally cave in but implemented it so poorly might as well kept it like it was.

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                • Remember people bungie might just tell us they changed it... Watch out

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                • We -blam!-ing did it guardians!

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                  • We did it!!

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                  • BUMP sbmm sucks, i don't want to play with people from usa or mexico, i'm from italy

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