[quote]Because they cannot fix lag with p2p connections, matchmaking should be a sbmm/regional hybrid. Simple OSPF theory could help with regional, then use your sbmm algorithm and apply it to the regional pool. Simple really! More to it, ask me for more info Deej or Cozmo. Although you should and most likely do have much better people than me there....I hope...
~[i]Network Engineer, Masters Degree, 15 years exp[/i][/quote]
It can't be this. I'm waiting 5 minutes for a game now as it is which I have to waste my time to put up with if I want to play. If they add another filter to matchmaking you'll wait twice as long to start a game. That's not acceptable either.
I hate SBMM because it makes everyone even. Everyone is around 50 percent wins everyone's ks is around 1.0. Pvp is about competition and seeing who is better. Bungie is trying to make the crucible more appealing to players who stink at playing it. But in the process your hardcore audience which helps drive this game is going to die. And these awful crucible players your helping will leave for another game eventually. Then you'll be left thinking ... Man we should have listened to are hardcore pvp players.. We killed our own game
Maybe, but less lag. I would wait 5 minutes if I knew lag was 90% better than now, wouldn't you?