originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]he dissapears in an instant and you feel a blade skimming your side
Astrid is behind you
And she did damage[/b]
Tag, you're it!
[spoiler]let this be like a fighting game[/spoiler]
"Hmm. Ok." *Her wings whip out and one catches Astrid, throwing her across the courtyard* "Tag."
[b]she springs from the wall, crouched up with blades out and quickly spinning around like a basket ball[/b]
*She jumps over Astrid, and uses a wing to smash her into the ground as Eu launches into the air*
[b]wings you in the wing and rolls like a ragdolls she kick flips back up[/b]
[spoiler]What? Please use understandable english.[/spoiler]