Anyone into SAO ?
I was watching SAO 2 and thinking about certain parts of their gaming system and quest lines that would be cool if were in Destiny.
Certain add on perks like "dual wield" should be a node if learn thru a particular quest line .
We all have the same characters and same abilities . Hopefully down the line Bungie will implement a way to customize your character more.
There are nodes on our trees that we can't use , but why ? Why should I have to choose between keen scout and shade step ? Or armor and recovery. There should be a way to increase both (and not by armor that may change light level from year to year.)
Even in the crucible quest lines where you have to have 4 games with 6 (scout /AR/ hand cannon) kills that could be a course to gain more skills for a particular weapon class. Where as how it is now the weapon hold the power and skills not the actual character.
I could go on forever.
Op is fgt