Before the 2.1 patch everyone tried to tell me that Mida would be the next gun all you babies would cry nerf about. I didn't want to believe it but you p*$$ies have proven me wrong again...
How am I crying? I'm just saying that the gun isn't balanced. Secret high caliber rounds? Large mag so you don't have to make your shots count? 90 aim assist? Midas in its own tier of unbalanced
Mida has been unchanged since launch. It has always been this way. It never needed adjusting before but now it does? Just stop. If the 4% auto rifle buff had been applied it would be completely overlooked, just as it was during every other meta in the Destiny lifespan. It loses to TLW at close range. It loses to Doctrine of Passing at mid range. Especially if you're facing someone who has a Doctrine with Counterbalance. If any gun is working too well outside of it's intended ranges, it's that one. Mida is also routinely beaten by snipers. Stop trying to -blam!- up one of the best PvE choices available because you got killed by a gun that no one ever complained about for a year and 3 months.
I mostly agree with that but why would you use mida against tlw or doctrine in close range? Mida is paired with a shotty
Shotguns also lose at close range to TLW. It's why it's the snipers top choice for primaries. If you can close the gap on someone using Doctrine with a shotgun then good on you but at mid range, that's not an option.
That's called crying for a nerf....
Haha crying for a Nerf would be me saying ahh this gun killed me a lot so it needs to be nerfed. I have legitimate reasons as to how the gun needs tweaking if you disagree with my opinion I'd like to hear your reasonings.
You are still crying for a nerf. You say it's too different from legendaries but it's supposed to be. Its an EXOTIC. People like you are the reason Suros and Many other exotics will never be viable in crucible. Just because you can't counter it does NOT mean it should be nerfed. And stop trying to disguise it as "tweaking".
no that was not one of my arguements. i reference the voc for its tier of scout rifle meaning scouts that have its same impact and rof. A weapon being exotic only means it has an exotic perk midas exotic perk is extra mobilty and hair trigger and hcr. It's a tweak because it's a small change. read my post again I'd made some changes to make it clearer.
And you still don't get it. It's an EXOTIC! I expect it to behave differently. It's supposed too. Only a complete idiot would want it tweaked (nerfed. Show some balls and say it. We all know what you mean. You mean nerf) and be just slightly better than a legendary. I bet you hate guns like queensbreaker, Lord of wolves, universal remote, and the like that are exotic not just in name but behavior.