So i was searching around a little and i checked locations where you can get Strange Coins. There were many locations but in the list it stands Classified as a location with no picture either. What is this? Am i dumb or is it an answer to why?
Tried to google it, no answers were found.
Well, you see my boy you don't simply farm strange coins.
Bounties and 28 PoE. You'll be drowning in them in no time.
Oh you silly taken tater tot
Almost any activity will give you coins... Even patrol chests can loot coins
This is why hoarding is a really good idea!! I held back on the temptation in Y1 from Xur and still do in Y2, give or take a few times when I desperately needed a particular exotic. Now I'm swimming in 900+ strange coins and increasing!
Pretty soon... You will be able to buy strange coins with silver and the drops will be reduced to nothing.
[quote]So i was searching around a little and i checked locations where you can get Strange Coins. There were many locations but in the list it stands Classified as a location with no picture either. What is this? Am i dumb or is there an answer to why? Tried to google it, no answers were found.[/quote]
Farm Prison of Elders lvl 28. Also do all your daily bounties. And any blue engram has a chance to decrypt into a strange coin.
They wouldn't just tell you where to go farm "strange" coins would they? Probably been that from the start mate
Shhh.. Nobody tell him