How am i bad? Look at my stats. What in my post is not a legitimate point that makes mida too good ?
https://my.destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Atballs judging by those stats I would call you bad.
How is a positive kd and platinum tier bad? I don't use meta/tryhard weps all the time and don't play trials on stacked teams
I double carry in trials consistently and play around a lot and average a 1900 ELO. For example last night I was carrying people while using a thorn and LDR in trials.
you are a top tier player i guess. I'm just above average but by no means bad. thorn is op and I'm sure you know it btw.
Lol this is about mida multitool. Not your trials report. Going around pointing out people being "bad" in a game like destiny is hilarious
I asked you are you bad? I didn't say you are bad. Mida is not op . . . maybe the people who use it are just better than you?
it was obviously implied. How are the pts I made not legitimate?
It was just a question, but whatever you think. Mida does what its supposed to do and can be out gunned by lots of weapons. As I said Jade rabbit is a good counter, if your precise. Treads with high caliber rounds is good. I've out gunned it with a full auto suros, either 45 or 47 I think. Options are there.
Majority of the PVP community uses it tho
Overuse doesn't = op . . . Just popular. I use jade rabbit and treads on stars lots, doesn't make them op, they suit my play style and I like them.