Hey guys,its been a while since I posted a prayer request thread. Lately a lot of problems have come up in my life and friends lives so I figured I'd post this to pray for other peoples ailments. Leave any request or pm for more private prayer requests.
I think we should pray for the salvation of all who will hear the Gospel message to believe it, and have eternal life through Christ Jesus. He is coming soon 1Cor 15:1-4 Maranatha!
May I ask which God(s) would you be praying to?
Pray that my ex wife dies
Pray that I don't have work tomorrow, I really don't want to train the new guy, all he does is make straight up horrible racial jokes and slurs
A friend on my cross country team recently died after a three year battle with cancer. I knew him fairly well, but his family is taking it hard. Prayers for them would be appreciated.
Edited by Wingrider07: 1/29/2016 2:30:21 AMMy daughter is going through chemotherapy for breast cancer. She has a session tomorrow and one more in two weeks. She has responded well to the chemotherapy, but still has radiation treatments and two surgeries ahead. There are many already praying for her, but more is always good. Not only is my daughter blessed by the prayers, but so are those who pray for her. May God bless you for your endeavors. Edit: Thank most of you for your kind words and prayers. For the others, all I can say is that I will pray for you. You actually need it more than my daughter. She is at risk of losing her mortal life, but you are at risk of losing your soul. I am sorry for you that you have such a miserable and hopeless existence that you find attacking the suffering to be amusing. I pray that God will move in your life and open your eyes to the truth. Another edit: My daughter had a chemotherapy treatment today. Her tumor has continued to shrink and the Physician's Assistant could no longer feel it. Thanks for your prayers. She has one more chemotherapy treatment, then the mastectomy. After that, she will have radiation treatments, then reconstructive surgery. It has been hard, and we have a long way to go. I don't understand how those without God and fellow Christians can handle it. Thanks to all my Christian Brothers and Sisters.
Yo, look into Joining the group, "The Cathedral" its a Christian group on here. Only on I know of on here.
That my mom gets a job. Shes been trying for eight years since the housing collapse.
I just don't feel like doing anything, so I sit around wasting time on here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. [spoiler]Reasons.[/spoiler]
Pray that I get a second Liberty prime
Edited by GrandMasterChad: 2/2/2016 12:21:04 AMPray to Allah that I will get my 72 virgins when I blow up a skyscraper. [spoiler]You can't think I'm serious. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Oh yeah, and I'm a na zi.[/spoiler]
Pray for my buddy Satan. Everybody hates him for some reason.
This is very nice of you for doing this. Even though most people will not agree on this forum then why would they come to this post.
Who are you praying to
Pray that we'll all make it
Words are wind
Pray for our country, Pray for everyone to get back on track, pray for the loving hands ministry as well.
If God has a master plan, then why do you pray? [spoiler]I pray that daddy Trump will fuk me with a small loan of a million dollars[/spoiler]
Meh, to help me with my depression, thank you
Cudos to you for doing this, btw. Pray for the hard times that are probably going to come to us.
Edited by SithLord Osirus: 1/31/2016 4:50:12 AMPray for separation of church and planet.
Pray that daddy wil FUK me