[quote]Your the first person to actually analyze my post and give as reasonable response for discussion so I thank you for that.[/quote]
That's a sad honor to have, and a grave commentary on the community. But, anyway, it's my pleasure. The community is at its best when we can have these types of discussions. Right now, talking to each other is the most fun we can have with Destiny. ;P #sadtire
[quote]I'm going to have to disagree on the mida not being good at long range the mida is a good counter to snipers because of the mobility perk you can easily strafe in and out of cover making target acquisition difficult and peg the target with the 'secret' high caliber rounds that exist why? and I didn't say it in my post but one guardian running in front of you while your in a gunfight with mida isn't exactly relevant because it doesnt happen that often and for my post I was thinking 1 v 1 gunfights. If it's 2 v 1 the 2 should win anyway. [/quote]
Well, you kinda split that paragraph into two different topics.
First, MIDA is ideal for dissuading snipers so that your teammates can prepare a flank, heavy weaponry, or a competing sniper. It needs to scare snipers and that's what it does. Can the MIDA kill a sniper? Yeah! But in an even 1v1 matchup, the sniper will be smart enough to a) position themselves well, and b) take cover when spotted. That being said, mobility is good. It makes me a harder target. But I've been sniped. To boot (no pun intended) I wear Radiant Dance Machines which further speed me up so there's no real reason why I should be getting hit. But I do. Because the game is balanced to allow skill to close certain gaps. Either way, both cases are anecdotal. This type of comparison can only be made through careful metrics. We don't have that available :-\
Second, in a 1v1, MIDA's target acquisition is fantastic. But when I'm trying to take out a guardian and there are other guardians around, I'm having a hard time. I think most people find it difficult if there is a guardian in front of them. I meant I'm looking through scope and I see more than 1 enemy in close physical proximity. Further to the point, in a 1v1, as I've detailed before, there are still a lot of ways to overcome the strengths of the MIDA. Namely, move out of its optimal range.
[quote]the spam shots thing is if you're going toe to toe with another guardian a lot of the times my strat is to strafe in and out of cover to make them waste shots and with the mida the mag is too big to keep that up for long so theres no penatly for missing shots because you have to many where with tlw theres only 8 shots so you can strafe cover count the shots then attack mida has no such weakness. Also every weapon rewards hitting your shots especially to the head but they also penalize missing shots or prefiring corners because you usually have either a slow reload or a small mag with faster reload which is a weakness mida doesn't have. [/quote]
Against smaller magazines, yes, your strategy works. You tire out your opponent (exhaust their ammo) and then go in for the kill. The MIDA is specifically designed to combat that strategy. Remember that not all approaches will work with every gun, and if you try to shoehorn this strategy against a MIDA, you'll be punished. The same could be said about any gun. For example, staying grounded against rockets means your opponent can shoot the ground instead of you, but jumping against a sniper puts you on a predictable path, making you an easier target.
I think what we're talking about here is strategy. And we can agree, given the above quoted paragraph, that strategy simply doesn't work for MIDA. That isn't a commentary on the MIDA, but on the strategy.
[quote]I agree with suros and monte beating in ideal range but most the time the mida user will stay in a longer sightline and pick you off before you get close enough or just run away with the extra mobility and get to a more advantageous spot anyway.[/quote]
So the common thread here is strategy. The inclination is to engage as soon as you see a guardian. I'm guilty of it too. Going so far as to follow a guardian even though I know they're going to spin around and catch me by surprise.
If you give me, a MIDA user, a clear shot of your head, with very little challenge to targetting, I'm going to take you down. That's when you have to rely on positional awareness to close the gap in cover, or get some cover fire. Cover terrain isn't always available, but if you have backup, they can provide cover fire. The thing is, remember, that cover fire has to be sufficiently threatening that I'll want to take cover. Scare me enough, and I'll give up my ground and retreat. If I want to live, I have no alternative. And I'm a hunter, I always want to live.
But that furthers your second point, yes, but also makes what I said at first more applicable. Choose your engagements. If you can't flank the MIDA user because they retreat to higher ground, then you disengage and look for an opponent you can out maneuver. If that's not possible, then you re-asses your opponent's position, and figure out how to get to them safely.
All this to say that, this paragraph is yet another commentary on strategy, and not MIDA.
[quote]Just saying if the guns going to have high caliber rounds make the player sacrifice the extra mobility don't just add it on there and not say anything.[/quote]
+2 agility, on a high agility subclass, with Radiant Dance Machines, means I can move pretty quick. But I still can't move faster than bullets. And I can't outrun a good flank.
[quote]Is mida not a scout rifle? Hasn't bungie said in all its weapon balancing updates that scouts are ideal for long range?[/quote]
Scouts are great transitional mid-long weapons. MIDA, however, is a hard mid weapon. That's why it's an exotic. It's not just another Scout Rifle. It can do a lot, yes; that fact is in the name. But it doesn't do everything well.
[quote]Mida's only flaw can be the user because I've used it and that thing wrecks. Can you honestly say that in midas range another primary will out gun it and you won't be forced to try and out mida the other player?[/quote]
Think of it like a Venn diagram, right. In ideal range, MIDA is uncontested. However, its total range intersects a lot of powerful weapons. It takes a good Guardian to always keep MIDA's ideal range, because when they do, they kill. Otherwise, they're going to get outplayed by better guns.
[quote]Thanks for your well thought out reply I look forward to your response[/quote]
I hope I didn't disappoint. At this juncture, though, I think I can safely say we're transitioning from discussing MIDA as a potentially overpowered weapon, to a conversation about strategy. I truly believe, the more you practice playing against MIDA, the more you'll learn its weaknesses. Once you learn how to outplay it, you'll quickly start to see that its not that great.
Don't get me wrong, it's the MIDA Multi-tool... it's flippin' amazing! But it's definitely well balanced.
Thanks for another great reply lol at #sadtire. I agree with a lot of your point about strategy. Let me say that for the most part in my balancing ideas of the weapon and strats I'm envisioning mida in 1 v 1 gun fights in a trials setting because thats really where it matters. My biggest issue with mida is those hcr's with them mida wins gunfights at every range excluding close range vs tlw. the mida flinches you so hard you can't really line up your shots especially with a hc and the precious time your not doing damage the meta rips you apart. Sure you can't move faster than bullets but you can get to cover pretty fast with mida to avoid them. I don't have a lot to say about your reply those it was well put together. Oh! You say my make them waste shots strate isn't very good for the mida because of it's large mag and fast reload but thats kind of my whole arguement that those stats don't make sense because no other guns fits that mold. It's exotic perk is the extra mobility not have all good stats. Like if you look at midas stats on paper it's literally the perfect scout. It's tier shoots fast but has it still 4 shot kill like the next impact tier up; it's range doesn't matter because the maps aren't big enough for dmg falloff to matter on a scout, it's stability combined with it's rof and 90 aim assist pretty much give it 0 kick especially in a decent players hands. Then it has a maxed reload and a high mag why? Sorry kind of went on a tangent there but mida is just in it's own class