Don't worry, I'm here to give you another perspective.
MIDA is a low impact, high fire rate scout, which means that it's supposed to fire faster, but it's class is actually bugged.
If you look at something like the shadow, or the Y2 ToO scout, it's fire rate is actually only three quarters of what other guns with the same impact have, as well as the fact that the perks on MIDA aren't very useful over all.
You comment about it besting ARs and PRs is valid, but at the same time, you have to figure in skill gaps between players. Just because you're using an AR at close range doesn't mean that MIDA shouldn't be able to kill you at all. Just because you're using that AR at the intended range while facing MIDA doesn't mean you'll win out every single time. This is one of those things where people say that theory is fact when it isn't.
So... let's switch up a bit.
I like to use TLW. It's a fun gun to use, it's a solid weapon, BUT, I hate hip firing. Does that mean that I shouldn't be able to get a kill? Should I be forced into hip firing for the benefit, or should I be able to use the gun how I please?
MIDA, while intended for medium to long ranges, can still kill at AR range against an AR. It can, it does, and it will. Why?
Because people using ARs are reckless, they know they have a good amount of ammo, they know they can spray you down, and they know that the TTK for an AR is relatively low, but that arrogance is often upset because all it takes is four rapidly fired shots to bring somebody down.
Also, take into consideration the name of the weapon. "Multi tool."
It's good in all situations, but doesn't excel at any.
The gun isn't over powered. Actually, it's not even that strong, especially not when compared to scouts in the same Impact/RoF archetype with better perks.
People use it because it's easy to get, and it's good out of the box.
haha skill gaps? I'm not a bad player the flinching from mida is way too good. I just want weapons to be viable in intended ranges. I love how you're trying to call me a bad player when my stats aren't even bad. Thanks for the tips? I guess it's not hard for me to counter the mida with the mida the thing is I don't want to have to use the mida just to be competitive.
I didn't say you were a bad player. Don't assume something because you differ in opinion. The fact that you can't accept that there are better players is rather disturbing. I understand what you mean about the viability of weapons, but there will be those that shine, and those that don't. Play the way you want to.
I have no problem getting beat by better players ik there are tons out there. I know when I get out gunned by the player and ik when i get outgunned by the gun
The gun is being used by the player. If you're losing a 1v1 at close range against a MIDA, it's not the gun you're facing.
Wow your honestly telling me that some guns don't make worse players beat better players because of the weapon they're using? I'm going to give the example of thorn. Not that mida is as op as thorn was/is. However you can say with honesty that in year 1 if you were using a non exotic hc you weren't at a handicap to thorn users who only do well with thorn and if you were to use thorn ud rekt them?
There's no comparison here. There isn't anything that powerful in Y2, so comparing TLW or MIDA to thorn is a moot point.
Heck from what I can tell hasn't changed much if at all since y1 it was just outshined by others back in the day
About the end of your parents post: First- Mida has a unique archetype, No other weapon in the taken king has the same impact and rate of fire Second- Mida is an exotic, and with tea exemption of the time Xûr sold it, it's purely RNG to get
Okay, no. MIDA has an the impact of the NL shadow 701x, but a slower rate of fire. So it fires slower, but has the same impact. NL shadow has a faster ttk. Two. Being literally the most common exotic primary drop in Y1, as well as Xur selling it, of you couldnt buy this the day it came to Y2, then you weren't doing something right, unless you literally spent all of your legendary marks on something else. Very easy to get.
actualy nl shadow stats displayed are glitched it's impact isn't as high as it says.
Edited by High Charity: 1/26/2016 10:59:43 PMThis. Only tweak I'd say is bring the aim assist down to around 50-60. Also bring forward a couple more legendaries that are in the archetype, like the One/One Synth.
I guess that could work.