Capitalism may initially reward hard workers, but at this point in time all it does is rob people blind.
A better analogy is those who get an A get 10 merit points and those who earn a B get 5 a C gets 2.5... and so on. You can use these merit points to skip certain questions, raise your grade, etc... After you're done with school you can pass these merit points onto your kids. After a while you get children who can basically get an A on every test with relatively little effort. Although their forefathers may have worked a bit harder the kid in question does not.
Tbh Capitalism is even worse than that, that is because in Capitalism the entire goal is to take money and give none of it back. With Capitalism you can start changing the gov. to suit your own needs through greed and money. I have a grandma who's a multimillionaire who pays less taxes than my dad who doesn't even make 100k a year. That's wrong, and that does not reward the hard working in the long term. No matter how hard you work, you can never work hard enough to deserve the kinds of money that our economy currently allows.
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