But why would the poor take that opportunity if they can just sit back and take advantage of government assistance? They have proven it time and time again that a large majority of them have no interest in bettering themselves.
I had never said anything about government assistance. I personally do not believe in handouts. However, I do believe all who are willing to work hard, should not be held back because of their social status, be it because of their lack wealth or contacts. They should be given a chance to succeed in life. What should be offered isn't a lifeline, but a opportunity. For the rich, governance isn't a business. If the rich get too powerful, to the extent that they are untouchable even by law, would be terrible for society as it would breed corruption within the government. Just look at China, where corruption scandals are regularly uncovered, or America, where celebs get minimal sentences for crimes.
And a richer government leads to curropt government. There is 2 sides to this story and no one will ever win
Edited by himwhoscallediam: 1/29/2016 10:10:02 AMLiberty is a battle fought every day, and there are those on both sides the wealthy and politicians that would gladly take it from you.
right, cause both sides think they are right.
Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer to the proper way of governance. Each way of governing has its pros and con's, but ultimately, the governing system will turn out as what the people vote for. So if Trump gets voted, and he starts WW3 by calling all Muslims to be executed, it just happens.
Not all powerful governments are corrupt. It is ultimately up to the people to decide who comes into power, and to ensure the ones in power don't abuse their position.
You have to much faith in humans. Everyone is looking for that next big paycheck.
Not everyone thinks that way. Change will come when enough people both voice their opinion, and take action against corruption.
Everyone has there price. Even you do
Suggested Reading: Allegory of the Cave by Plato Not everyone can be bought with money through out human history brave men and women have fought for what they believe in despite the personal costs. If everyone was as you say we would all be staring at the wall still.
Not everyone can be bought. Some things are worth more than monetary gain. Being pessimistic will not get anyone anywhere, and it certainly won't bring about the change anybody wants. However, it will not suffice to be just optimistic either. Change will still ultimately come from action, and it is up to the people to carve their path.
Just give them a bare minimum horrible existence whilst taking care of their basic needs until they wish to contribute to society. With everything gov. provided food, old clothes, slow internet and the like. The vast majority of people will want to work at least some in order to avoid this. As long as there is a chance to gain a lot of wealth whilst making sure real suffering (homelessness, losing teeth, bad health etc...) is avoided most people will go for that carrot. But yea we would need to implement it slowly and reprogram are values (not to be moochers). Either way the moochers are going to be a significant minority.
Cannot stop the moochers luckily there is so many people now there would not be any really work for them to do anyway. In the next few decades many jobs will be automated, truckers better be wary of driver-less cars and such. So we could design a society were the majority of people can live with decent comfort and never really work. Of course, I am sure there is a group of people who do not like that idea. See if people are busy fighting for their survival they do not have time to think about the world around them.
Edited by MysticalSnurtle: 1/31/2016 1:43:02 AMI guess its true, people don't seem to notice their surroundings when they're stuck in a rat race, or even just trying to make ends meet; they'll have more free time to do as they please. Tbh though I doubt people would be truly happy on that system, not to mention we'll still eventually run out of planetary resources. In my honest opinion the only way to truly solve everything is if we do as China is doing. Implement a 1 child per couple policy (if your child dies you can have another. However if foul play is involved you would be punished severely). Once the world hits a nice pop. range we could then oscillate from having 2-3 kids and then back down to 1 to make sure we don't overpopulate the earth. In that system everyone can still have meaningful work and contribute in some small way if they so wish. We don't have to be in a system where people cannot find work. As long as people aren't being horribly abused by their work (like many are now) then I don't think it would be a negative thing at all. EDIT: true you can't stop moochers, but you can make it really attractive for them not to be :P
I always felt that the earth was getting too crowded and hoped we could slow growth at least. I feel 10 billion could be a comfortable number but we may pass that before this century is out. I think 1 child may be harsh for certain areas of the planet that already are experiencing birth rate declines like Europe and North America. Maybe base it off the existing population per land area or GDP per capita something like that. If you have room for more people and you can feed and employ more people you can have more people.
I agree, the birth restriction ultimately needs to be done so that it matches what earth can handle. If earth can handle it then its ok to have x amount of children. Yea if a country's pop. is falling then the 1 child rule wouldn't apply to them, unless their pop. is still more than the land can bear. Tbh seeing how our soil is already getting depleted and sea life is being wiped out to fill our bellies we're well over the point where there's just too many people on the earth. All in all it would be a tricky thing to implement without inadvertently discriminating against other regions of people.
There will always be people who exploit the system, but steps can be made to lessen that amount. Just as long as all people, rich or poor, get a chance to fulfill their dreams.
Yep, fulfill their dreams as long as it doesn't hurt others in the process.
I like this. I like this a lot.
thanks :)