[spoiler]And there we have it. Only took 9 comments for [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] to kick in.
And before you down vote me or before you make a negative comment, remember that you're on the same side as that guy. [/spoiler]
Since our economy became a global economy:
[u]Republican Presidents[/u]:
1. Bush 1.0: crippling economic depression at the end of his first term.
2. Bush 2.0: the worst economic depression since [u]the Great Depression[/u].
[u]Democratic Presidents[/u]:
1. Clinton: our strongest modern economy.
2. Obama: an economy that has recovered since the Bush 2.0 depression and rebounded in [i]every[/i] significant way.
[b]And some people still think this is a coincidence[/b].
If you support any Republican candidate [u]other than Rand Paul[/u], and you are not a millionaire, you are voting against your own economic interests and will be responsible for the next economic depression should your candidate win.
[quote]You do understand the economy collapsed because of the housing bubble that Clinton created which happened to burst while Bush was in office. Clinton thought it was a great idea to put low income people into homes they could not afford....[/quote]