And yet none of them are reasons why we should support someone making it harder.
Making what harder?
Social mobility.
They are lying to you. The statistics behind the headlines tell a different story.
No of course not; we see so many people from the gutter crawling out of it on the daily.
Empty emotional argument. The data shows those from the gutter climbing the social scale. The data shows those at the top falling to the gutter as well.
Of course the are some, but let's see these stats showing a fair redistribution and raise then? The fact is the rich need consumers. The share holders of burger king need the people flipping burgers. Coke need the delivery drivers. Shitting on them doesn't change that fact.
You're back into the Cult of the President thinking. There is no easy button. You can not legislate this type of change. The problem is that public schools are a mess, and a lot of the problem is that it is government run. Another problem is the government overzealous protection of people. Economic licensing requirements harm the poor. (Seriously, hair braiders don't need more time and more expensive in training than EMTs.)
And who ties up and funds these people? The rich.
Of course. I said that the government runs in a crueler and less egalitarian system of favors and connections. Really, it is madness to think that more government is going to benefit the disenfranchised.