Nothing was said about deconstructing the concept of property ownership.
If anything, it's about deconstructing the policies that allow for people to abuse their connections to further change policies in their favour.
I agree with YOUR take on the matter, and that is my point on my post. Rather than focus on the fact that some people got ahead in their loot because their parents ripped off the system (or whatever), the problem was how their parents were able to rip off the system. Who gives af if they got extra loot to start with, focus on the og problem. This guy (@Eternity) unfortunately is following populist rhetoric and is lumping in harmless beneficiaries with those who parents were bad guys. Hence my pitchfork analogy that got his undies in a twist.
Unless he changed his post since you responded, I didn't get that impression from the original post. But yes, the source of the problem is the policies that allow this shit to happen. Shuffling the money around will do nothing but be a waste of time.