Hello, I am a casual clarinetist, and I have always wanted to play the destiny musical score. As a request to anyone who has transcription skills, or to bungie themselves, can someone put together a PDF of the musical score so I can play it on my B-flat clarinet?
Also, I have no intention of using the score for my benefit, only to play the score and improve my skills.
As a reference point, my mother is an ex-violinist, and my dad is the assistant music librarian in the St. Louis symphony.
I personally asked him, not as my dad, but as a music librarian, to email the people in charge of destiny's musical score, but he never received a response, and I thought that a thread on the forums might have better luck. Please, if DeeJ or Cozmo see this, it isn't too hard to shoot whoever has the authority to provide a musical score an email, so I ask of you just this one thing.
I hope my request is considered! Also, if you want money for a copy of the clarinet score, I would be willing to pay for it, if it's within my budget of 100 dollars. As a musician, it bothers me that many games release their musical scores, but bungie has not. I think if you released musical scores there would be many people who would buy them! Even a digital score!
As an artist, musician, and writer, I love this game, and the artistic merits of it, and would love to play the songs I know and love!
Edit: some people have been very helpful and I appreciate that, but it's not quite what I needed. I should have specified. I would be happy with a copy of the sheet music for the taken King song called "last stand". It's the song played during the oryx fight in the raid.
1, I love the tags 2, do you mean the notes/musical score or the music. Cuz the music's out there. There've been people who have listened and made sheet music of it Here's one (unofficial, of course) that I found: https://musescore.com/user/1024516/scores/477996 Look up "Destiny sheet music" for more