First your talking about less than one percent of the US population has ever served in the military, that's not many people taking that option. Second, a wealthy kid going to got that money through family doing something to earn if. If it was through lottery winnings or luck, accounting for another percent smaller than one, that is the arguable piece. Your not entitled to a free college education like your not entitled to just wake up one day and say I'm wealthy and boom it's there. Kids that have that got it from someone else's hard work, in one fashion or another. Telling people they have to pool there money, taxation, to pay for every single kid to have the chance to go to college, regardless of the fact 60-70 percent of kids that start college end up in an unrelated field or flat out don't finish, is a waste. Kids that want college, there's grants, tuition assistance, military service or get a job and work through it. Is the university system broken in terms of what they expect a kid to pay for college, yes. But the solution to that isn't in forcing others to pay that cost for them.
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