This is my opinion on a list of everything that's "cheap" within this game.
- Juggernaut
- Shoulder Charge
- Invective
- No Backup Plans
- Pocket Infinity
- Heavy Ammo
- Self Res
- Quick Res Exotics
- Hunters who turn invisible and hard scope lanes and shotgun.
- Sticky nades
- Firebolt nades with Viking funeral + touch of flame.
- The Ram
- conspiracy theory D
This is only my opinion and I think all those are scrubby tactics. Juggernaut cause that's just OP enough said. Being the fastest class with a shield.
Invective cause that fire so fast and has decent range.
Self res because it's annoying. Only annoying in trials or elimination, reason why is the same reason for quick res exotics. Wish there was no such thing as revives in elimination.
Quick res exotics because I feel Trials should be once you die you stay dead. That'll make it a lot more competitive and tactical.
No backup plans because I mean OS off shotgun kills? That just shouldn't be a thing.
Pocket Infinity because it's just broken.
Heavy annoying because it shouldn't be a thing in 3v3 playlists.
Juggernaut because being the fastest class running around with a shotty and shield is cheap.
So that's my opinion.
Edit: Funny how most guardians who disagree with me are the ones with low medal score. They don't even crucible.
Edit 2: I'm not asking for nerfs or buffs. I don't even think I said the word nerf once. I'm just saying in my opinion, these tactics are cheap and I will bag and dance on your body once I kill you. And laugh at you with my friends because those tactics are frowned upon. When I play I don't wear exotics, I don't use heavy, I don't use self res, any Titan ability cause I deleted it due to no time for another class. So I expect others to do the same, if I wave heavy and you pick it up I'll bag you until you quit. If you skate around with juggernaut I will bag you until you quit, that's if I can kill you, since it's so hard to counter, especially with a weak hunter.
Edited by hondo: 1/31/2016 6:09:28 PMhow about the cheapest ability ever. BLINK!!! and that warlock melee that gives you an over shield just for landing a hit.
Edited by Darwin4414: 1/30/2016 2:48:42 AMYou forgot crutch. Edit: Whoops! I mean Chaperone.
Everything in Destiny when you get killed by it, just not you or your teammates
Edited by Uncha1n3dSky: 1/31/2016 8:09:14 AMThis doesn't sound anywhere close to an opinion... OP needs a pacifier, anybody knows how to stop a crying baby?
So play the game your way? Because if people don't they are scrubs?
Still butthurt about Pocked Infinity?
I don't think any subclass or weapons are cheap, but I think stacking your team in trials is cheap. I'm really tired of playing teams of 3 warlocks with firebolts and teams of invisible hunters with shotguns. If the whole other teams has all snipers shotguns or mida or last words I'm fine with that I can counter weapons. But stacking subclasses so it benifits you pisses me off. To each their own I guess.
Edited by silver_eye37277: 1/31/2016 6:43:55 AMWell at least you didn't ask for a nerf, and that's a start :) And I do agree w/ a couple from the list. Invisible hunter w/ shotgun/sniper. And kind of sticky nades, although I can survive a sticky nade by shade stepping.
Add making whiny ass posts bitching about stuff to the list
You forgot bungie's " the dark below" DLC tactic
Sounds like your a hunter
Forgot 1000 yrd stare
Edited by Singularity: 1/30/2016 4:32:11 AMAnd also -Smoke/void nade -Crazy aim assist literally killing me through walls -landfall is stormtrance with build in FoH -high aim assist snipers -doctrine of passing -when I'm getting shot by mida and my screen isn't flicking or anything so I can't react until my shield is down (not common but it happens) -when I shoot first but their scout rifle is making me flinch so I can't land another shot. -blink -ionic blink -skip grenades (Titans are only class without bolt or tracking nades)
I agree with all of this lol
Rez sniping in trials is cheaper than thorn. Give us a 3 seconds immunity when revived, can't take damage amd can't deal damaged, then it could truly be competitive
I dont agree with hardly any of these, but i do think that if you the last one dead in elimination and you're a warlock, you shouldnt be able to self res.
So everything In the game? Op is fgt and uses last word.
The fact that I'm using The Jade Rabbit it cancels out my shoulder charge and CT-D
Nothing is, apart from Spawn Killing man that rustles my jimmies
Tagging with any weapon then switching to high impact sniper to finish nothing pisses me off more.
Dear Bungie. Why have you got exotic gaunlets and exotic boots for each of the classes in the armory, when nobody has received these yet. DO YOU NOT LEARN BY TIME GATING CONTENT YOU LOSE PLAYERS. Did we not already pay for this? Or are we being tricked into not getting too bored in the hope of new exotics. And not just bringing back year one gear which is a contradiction to your previous idea of bringing new content and leaving old stuff behind. You bring back the anoying and outdated exotics instead of the ones that were fun and hunted for like gold e.g icebreaker, vew mythoclast and the insane crush everyone had finding the gjallarhorn. I wont be around for long if my money and time is being wasted hoping you will change back to the way you were. Clock is ticking to fix this AMAZING game. Hola if you agree guardians.
No. There are no cheep loadouts. There are only obstacles to counter. I'll use my best to destroy your best. Throw what you will at me. I will counter it. Their aren't restrictions in the crucible. If you don't give it your all then you don't get to complain.
I guess I'm a scrub:/
You forgot blink
Double stickeys with Void Fang Vestments. Not as good as in year 1 but still cheap and fun to use.