Reagan brought our economy out of horrible recession. His recovery wasn't at the anemic pace of 1-2% a year that Obama's presidency has brought us. Reagan grew the economy at 4-5% a year. Reagan's policies ushered in the largest expansion of private sector growth and his policies laid the foundation for the tech surge of the 90's. It's also no coincidence that the decade in which American influence and power was at its peak, was during Reagan's time in office. Hands down greatest president of the modern era.
Edited by Comptonburger: 1/28/2016 3:57:54 AMOf course it was easy for Reagan to bring the economy out of recession - because wealth and income inequality were not as high at the time. He set us on that path. There was still a strong middle class to drive consumer spending. Now there is not. Much harder to orchestrate a recovery under the circumstances, especially with congress's voting records more divided than ever.
I was there and I remember what Reagan did. I actually lived it. It doesn't take much to repeat what a liberal professor taught you in a liberal arts college. If we are ever fortunate enough to have a president with the balls he had again in my lifetime I will be thankful. Doubt we will see it though. Too many of your like minded peers with voting privileges.