You're one of the entitled members of our society. The core of the problem is this thinking that you will take money from the 1% and give it to the 90% for things like education, health care, income (raising minimum wage). Let just say you did that. You're taking wealth from people who earned it and can retain it. Those people like for instance Bill Gates who employs thousands of people. They create products and services that better our lives in many cases or at least provides us with products we want for reason xyz. They spend lots of money on travel, dining, shopping, buy properties, paying people for a wide ranges of services to maintain their lifestyle. Those people in most cases have charitable organizations that do a lot of good.
Now you can argue why does Bill Gates need billions of dollars. Well he earned it with his ingenuity, hard work and entrepreneurial mind. I rather have him retain his wealth and trust he would do more good with it rather then what people with your mindset think, take it through taxes and give it to the government because they will redistribute his wealth for things you may want like free health care or tuition as I mentioned above.
The problem with that is you're trusting the government with the 1% money. Not only are you taking that wealth from people who can use it to generate income and create jobs you are now thinking the government will be able to use it properly.
This is the biggest problem with the income and wealth inequality thinking. You actually trust the government who can't balance a budget, who has proven wasteful spending, who's services such as the postal service are mismanaged and not profitable, to do good with it. That trust in the government and socialist mindset is very scary and would just lead to more problems and corruption.
[quote]You're taking wealth from people who earned it and can retain it[/quote] Wait so being born with the last name trump means I earned my billions of dollars, while the people who work 3 jobs and can't afford to feed their families didn't earn the right to a comfortable life?
Through hard work and determination they can better there situation. If Someone is actually working 3 jobs and can't feed there family they are not utilizing programs in place that can help them. Welfare, food stamps, food banks, charitable organizations such as one harvest, etc. Trumps kids are fortunate. But it's all relative. He worked hard and had success. That doesn't mean they haven't earned their own individual paths. Ivanka for one is a very talented businesswoman. They had an easier path indeed. You can also say the same with a middle income spoiled kid. I do not endorse trump or his personal ways by saying these things. I'm fortunate in a different way. I grew up in a low end of the middle class because my father worked 2 full time jobs for 35 years. Im not one of the privileged people you're talking about. But his determination to provide for his family is inspiring. Never asked for anything. His parents just scraped by and gave him $0 and no help once he graduated high school. My point is our paths aren't all easy. And this utopian idea that some how we can create this easy path for everyone I don't believe is possible. People in poverty and low income do get help and should get help. Capable people that are unfortunately disadvantage need to work harder it may not be fair but in the end it will pay off and you will leave a better life and legacy for your family.
Yeah, Bill Gates is a terrible example. Go look up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
I'm glad you trust Bill and Melinda Gates. They've pledged 95% of their wealth to charitable contributions. I'd be curious to see what amount of that is going to be spent in the US for the needy American people vs what was contributed to their wealth by US dollars.
The needy American people can get help. It's a lie perpetuated by people who try to blame the 1%'s for the countries ills. There is welfare, food stamps, food banks, government housing, Medicaid, government grants, private grants, private charitable organizations numerous ones that for instance help single mothers, one harvest, feeding America, head start to name a few. Many of the kids in poverty are from homes that are broken, drug addicted or in a tough situation with a single parent that do not use these services.
I trust Bernie sanders to do it. Also it's funny how you used bill Gates as an example of deserving billions of dollars, & he himself has pledged to give away 90% of his wealth before he dies.
You didn't reply to me but I'll reply here. I used him as an example that disputes people misconceptions about the wealthy. To paint them as a greedy group of people who don't do any good to our society is wrong. They should have the ability to make here own decisions of what to do with there fortune. Wether give it away to charity or not I choose to believe they ultimately will do more then the government to wisely spend and distribute the money. Are there people out there that will not give to charity? Probably, but they are being taxed and contributing in that way. We can't legislate morality. And I wouldn't give that power to the government.
I think it's smart that you don't trust politicians, but the fact of the matter is that the government does have that power already. & minimum wage & regulations were invented by the government because the rich sat on their fortune & exploited anything they could do to become richer & it was destroying the country. The rich didn't invent social security, minimum wage, the epa, the fda, etc. The government did. Sure many of them are corrupt, but I'd rather trust the government because their success depends entirely on the population, unlike the top 1%.
Minimum wage was inacted not because the rich sat on their money or were evil. Again a skewed statement. It was for the business owners that took advantage of people, and your suggesting that they all were like that is false. Those business owners weren't all rich. Many just get by or break even. Those corrupt people are in all levels of income. I do agree with a minimum wage that is fair as to avoid those types of situations. I don't however believe in the current proposals of minimum wage being upwards of $20 hr. Those jobs are intended to be stepping stone jobs. Jobs that build experience in the work force and shouldn't be mandated to be a living wage. It is through hard work and determination that we have the ability to get out of low income situations and climb the ladder. Some people like my father worked two full time jobs to accomplish that. He may have gotten by with one job but in order to buy a home and afford his family more opportunity he did what he had to. I'm a small business owner and I know that it would affect me if I had to pay a part time employee or someone starting out $17 an hour for a menial job. That's not to say I wouldn't give raises and pay that much or more but it should be up to the employer IMO.
Well $20 an hour is ridiculous. I'm in support of making minimum wage enough to support yourself, not enough to splurge on Louis Vuitton lol
I said $20 because Seattle has $15 minimum wage and socialist party wants to raise it. NYC is going to to be $15 soon.
$15 sounds fair. Some economists estimated that $15 an hour is where minimum wage should be right now, based on the reason it was created. I'm not sure if raising the national minimum wage would instantly raise the wage in other cities though.
“No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.” “By living wages, I mean more than a bare subsistence level — I mean the wages of a decent living.” “Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company’s undistributed reserves, tell you – using his stockholders’ money to pay the postage for his personal opinions — tell you that a wage of $11.00 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry.” “All but the hopelessly reactionary will agree that to conserve our primary resources of man power, government must have some control over maximum hours, minimum wages, the evil of child labor and the exploitation of unorganized labor.” That's F.D.R.--the man who set up minimum wage--and a President everyone loved. People like you should acknowledge him.
I'm gonna add this to my op.