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1/28/2016 12:03:44 AM
[quote]and that there is nothing wrong with wanting to help those people succeed.[/quote] I agree with this statement, however, if you do this by taxing the "rich" the money that they use to pay his mother will be gone. Now, the mother is down to one job, and not enough money to help the whole family. In response the son drops out of high school his senior year and NEVER GETS HIS high school diploma. When helping the people with "the cards stacked against them," it should be left to the private person to decide what to do with the money. Many of these people WILL GIVE money to charity and (or) food pantries. I speak from experience, as a kid that goes to school in the middle of St. Paul. I am better off than [quote]the inner city kid[/quote] but I'm not rich by any means. I am a small white kid, the only one on my basketball team, and many of my friends are black and in the [quote]inner city kid[/quote] situation.

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