That's where you are wrong though. By paying lower wage employees more, they are the majority, you are adding more money to the class that spends the most. This in return leads to higher profits for small businesses who can then turn around and pay their employees the minimum wage. Costs may go up but not to the extent that most people believe.
Having a seperate wage for teenagers would be a better idea. Most teenagers can only work part time so the minimum wage hike would barely affect them. All it would do is give them more money which they can choose to save or spend.
I was expecting to have an argument, or at least a debate, but I think we actually agree on a lot of this. I don't think a wage hike would work, but I've been wrong before. I would absolutely be for it on a "probationary" basis; that is, try it for a year or two and reverse it if things get worse. I would love to be wrong about it.
That's all I ask. More people making more money means that more money can be put back into our economy. It isn't easy. But anything worth fighting for usually isn't the easiest thing to accomplish. Wages should be set based off of where you live. $15 here in California is a lot different then $15 in Oklahoma.