So yesterday, I played about 10-15 matches of Iron Banner, and I actually had fun on some of them. Today, I've played 4 games and I've lost to a Mercy rule twice, joined a game in progress that we lost, and we lost a game in an actual somewhat fair fight. Crucible is complete shit (Especially Iron Banner) and there's just no winning with the mechanics right now.
Yesterday, I was looking forward to Iron Banner coming back. Now I don't want to even play PVP anymore. Also FIREBOLT NADES DO NOTHING!!!! My firebolt grenades are perked out to burn people a lot. But my grenades aren't connecting and doing damage. I'll land a firebolt on top or within 2 feet of an enemy, and it shows the animation that they got tagged... But they take no damage. Everything in PVP sucks.
Ye I'm shooting people who are 'green bar' with my auto, sniper and even golden gun and they're just shrugging it off. I don't know if there cheating or whether it's just another problem we have to deal with