Which their campaigns were paid for by those corporations to get those laws.
Edited by premo253: 1/28/2016 12:26:27 PMThis is the real problem. Congress is making money off of the backs of the American people and BECOMING millionaires because of their position. [quote]Based on 2009 data, there are currently 66 in the Senate and 179 in the House (among current voting members). So while just 1 percent of Americans are millionaires, 66 percent of senators are millionaires, as are 41 percent of House members.[/quote]
And then they go on to sit on the boards of the companies that they've helped
Right. So again it's the political class that is to blame.
I agree wholeheartedly I want really arguing lol. Take money out of Washington and see how quickly things change. The government needs to be for the majority not the minority. It's been to lopsided for years.
It unfortunately wasn't created that way. But turned probably mid to late 19th century.
Edited by Darth Coleio: 1/28/2016 12:36:27 PMIt's very unfortunate that generations have been lied to. Politicians fooled so many people that they were for them while making secret deals behind closed doors.