I never thought an activity would make me want to [b]cut the webbings of my toes with copier paper[/b], and yet, here is [i]Rift on [b]Cathedral of Dusk[/b][/i] proving me wrong.
I...I even played it solo. [i]Once.[/i] Because that's all it took to turn my frown [b][i]further[/i][/b] down, then put it through the [b]SRL[/b] fans, deform its spire and gift it to the Architects.
Months ago, when [b]Clash[/b] was the IB activity, I thought to myself: [quote]Cool! I hope they never have Rift as Iron Banner, though. Pshh, why would they even, that wouldn't make sense. I've seen Icebreaker nerfs that make more sense than that.[/quote]Well, cover me in honey and call me Sally, [b][i]IT'S RIFT!![/i][/b] Which isn't a [b][i]bad[/i][/b] thing, unless winning is your objective. To further rub salt into my oriface, [b][i]Cathedral of Dusk.[/i][/b] <--- That sentence doesn't even finish properly, nor does it need to. Simply; [i]because Cathedral of Dusk.[/i]
With the cherry on the -!wecantevencensorthisword-! cake, I now have to [b]LFG[/b] for Iron Banner. [b][i]FOR IRON BANNER.[/i][/b] I have 10 pages of friends I've acquired over Y1 of Destiny. Guess how many were online?
[spoiler]2.[/spoiler][spoiler]2 people, not two pages.[/spoiler]
[b][i]So,[/i][/b] LFG it is. LFG isn't ready for me.
My witty overly-suggestive banter mixed with my [b][i]very[/i][/b] inconsistent [b]1.0 K/D[/b] mixed with the sporadic loud shrieking that living with a cat and a woman entails tends to put people off. Or, at least confuse them.
So, [b][i]*raises glass*[/i][/b] this one's to you, [i]Cathedral of Dusk.[/i] May your match timers run out, and your participants have John Cena legs.
[b]Edit:[/b] If you don't like this [url=https://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forum/Post/184461115/0/0]map on control[/url]
I like this map... I must be the only one. Played it three times yesterday (in 19 games) and I ignited the rift 4 or 5 times and won each game. Just saying like. Great post though. Cheers Sally
Edited by Graystash: 1/28/2016 4:09:29 PMI quit as soon as I see it is Cathedral of Dusk. This map along with First Light and Skyshock are OK to play only once for objective based games. Too many times these maps result in the time running out before anyone reaches the point limit. They would be good maps if there were more vehicles in this game and the teams were at least 8 on 8 or better 12 on 12.
It's messed up I usually run with same guys at ib and they were playing clash....
Not only is it a poor map for Rift, but Bungie tends to over-populate it in the map rotation. Played 4 IB games last night consecutively and 3 of the 4 matches were on Cathedral of Dung
John Cena legs... Why am I laughing so hard at that? Why!?!
Good post, made me cringe at the webbing, but you have good reasoning.
it needs to be deleted
50 thumbs up for you! 25 golden stars etc... Best post so far, a real killer!! If u are on xbone add me, i'd love to play a game with u
It wouldn't be half as bad if you didn't have to run a mile back to the action every time you die.
This has to be one of the best posts I've read on here. I feel the same, it's god awful. First time I played I fell off the map more times then I'll confess.
It's the first mode i've found Cathedral to actually be good for.
I'm loving rift on every map, except this one. It's not even a bad map for non objective play. It's fairly symmetrical and either team is on even footing. When you add the objective it is horribly easy for a team to gain, and maintain pressure control and start a funnel where nonstop death occurs. The map is just tuned with a finite number of lanes to reach the objective, and once those lanes are stuffed with an enemy, you can rarely regain the ground. My team likes to set up on the opposite stairs, on the rift covering both inside passageways and then the outside. Once we have it, the other team can't touch us without simultaneously superintendent or luckily grabbing all the heavy.
My team and I play pretty excellently on Cathedral of Dusk. Hmm... CoD.... call of Duty... Both cod... Coincidence or conspiracy?!
Whole post dedicated to this shitty map
Lol so true. Rift was a bad idea to begin with and almost everyone that I know hates cathedral of dusk. It's beautifully designed but terrible to play on.
Edited by PeetSquared: 1/28/2016 2:57:18 PMI only played a few matches last night and one of them was on Cathedral of Dunk. One dunk, between both teams, the entire match. Bored me to tears.
Played two matches last night, not one dunk