[quote]Anybody who truly wants to reduce abortion rates needs to look at these facts and act accordingly—support universal healthcare (not the market-based ObamaCare) and quality social welfare programs, as these are the only policies which have been PROVEN to reduce abortion rates reliably[/quote]
Banning abortions doesn't actually prevent abortions. It simply reduces the amount of [i]safe[/i] abortions, and forces women to seek other, unsafe ways to terminate their pregnancies. That is a fact. Your campaigns to shut down abortion centers are wrong. Simple as that.
You know what [i]does[/i] reduce abortion rates? Universal health care. Sexual education. Universal childcare.
Please do your research before you decide to protest outside abortion clinics. Thanks.
Purse, out.
How about we let the possible mother to be decide the fate of her unborn foetus? or at the very least make sure more people know more about effective birth control... Did you know that the ancient Greeks actually had a plant that when made into a paste (or something at least edible that wasn't just leaves) had a chemical in it which prevented pregnancy completely? Bit of a shame they quite literally f*cked it out of existence though... Horny bastards o(`ω´ )o