So I booted up destiny an hopped on into what I thought was gonna be lag spawn kill fest 2016. And other then a few rough matches I've been blown away by how much fun I've been having. Haven't been running a good kd, but I've been just annoying the hell out of the other team with shade step and my iron wreath. And it's been a blast. So color me surprised bungie good job this time
Edit: So happy to hear of everyone having a good time and keeping the salt levels low. Hope you all keep enjoying the banner and loot
Been running solo and LOVING rift, if my team knows what they're a doing I can just support and defend the runner, and if they don't? I just grab the spark and run it myself. Yeah there are blowouts, just like [i]any[/i] IB, but they're over quick so you can hop right back in. Honestly it never feels as hopeless as control does when you're stuck in an unwinnable game for 15 minutes, and unlike some other 6V6 modes, a single player can put up 4000-5000 points in a game in rift and really contribute. It's rough defending without having team mates to tell you where the runner is coming from, but the other team has the same issue, so it's no big deal, you just gotta make sure you get that spark! Overall IB rift is a huge success in my mind, and I'll be happy to see it roll around again in another 4 months.