I agree with this, the schools do shoulder responsibility for the hikes in tuition. And you are absolutely right that salaries for school presidents and administrators have gone up. However, this would never have happened if the gov't never got involved. Natural market forces would have prevented this, in a free market no entity can get away with randomly hiking the prices of a good (assuming there is no monopoly).
The market is highly irrational despite what they teach in econ classes the market will act randomly and different industries will act differently to the same situation these things cannot be painted with all government is bad brush. Education is the cornerstone of our society and intellectual growth as a species. Equal access to education should be a basic human right. The issue we have here is the presidents of state institutions lining their pockets with tuition costs which need a two front approach the pure market force of lower cost private institutions stealing students away (unlikely but may happen, this has a lot t do with barrier to entry costs which we may touch on later), and state or federal regulation of what their/our employees may pay themselves. The trustee system in state schools may need to be reformed. Again we have balance neither approach is wrong nor will interfere with the other. SIDE BAR: I think we should form a group call "The Destiny Economic Forum"
A "Destiny Economic Forum" would a welcome break from the constant "nerf this, nerf that" talk haha
Edited by REXEL: 1/29/2016 12:54:29 AMPart of the problem is that the government is too lenient with who gets loans for college, as well as the colleges being lenient on who they let in. More people are able to get loans and this has led to the tuition price going up because colleges have to invest in more resources to accommodate the increased number of people. The college loan issue is similar to the housing loan issue that happened in 08, on the basis that people are being issued loans they can't afford/pay back. Now if more students begin defaulting on loans like people were on their home loans, tax payers will be on the losing end again. For the record im not opposed to affordable college, but only people who have the capacity to do well should be allowed into college. During my time in college I saw people who were rich, and poor who just didn't have the capacity or willingness to do the work and comprehend material.
For the most part I agree with you rexel, the only question is where do we draw the line how do we determine who is going to be worthy? Also can we afford to be picky? More and more the US is exporting its engineering and scientific expertise. Which I am not against sharing our centers of learning with the world but I want to see as many Americans as I can get through them. You have to remember in many other countries higher education is free or subsidized by taxes. How are we going to compete in a global economy? The increase in attendance has been sharp but it also seems that you need a 4 year degree to flip a burger these days. Our move to a service economy means there is fewer labor jobs which a regular high school graduate can make a decent living at. Can you support yourself on $8 a hour? Not likely, how about 16? Better but you may still need to do a second job if you ever want a spare penny. Do you want a family? Well now we are talking about needing at least 25-30 a hour or both parents will need to work which will mean another generation detached from their families because they barely know their parents. SIDEBAR: I am totally fine with women working in fact women have us beat at some jobs. There is a cost though, who will raise children? Some people pull it off but most I have seen do not. Maybe dad stays home? I do not know but I see a lot of family fail because the home has no heart. I think a lot of stupid men ruined a great thing we all had, if your wife is at home give her the respect she deserves that is an important job.