I enjoy it a ton! I don't play iron banner that much, but I tried it to get that wolf good. So far, it doesn't look like I'm going to get it. Any tips on leveling iron banner besides doing the bounties?
The Templar, the only way is to grind unfortunately, but as you know when the medallions stack, you gain rep once you get a win, but this will certainly add up more as IB comes to a close. Wear the emblem, shader, and class item as they will help you too. Turn in your gold (weekly bounties) on Monday depending upon where your rank is at and most of the time I end up with one or two gold bounties in store for the next IB. I hope this somewhat helps.
Thanks. That means I should grab the last gold bounty, and just fill it up over the course of iron banners
No problem, and yes, you can take that approach as well. But the more you play, you'll be able to know what best works for you.