You mean that problem everyone already knew about and have been talking long before he said anything.
Lol you triple wreck fanboy shut up
Your a whinny sped. Absolute idiot. 2yr old insults
Dude both of you need to stfu
I'm sorry but were was the insult in what I said
I never watch triple wreck I was pointing something out
"Lol you triplewreck fanboy shut up"
If you think that is an insult then maybe you shouldn't be on the forums
Telling someone to shut up in itself is an insult.
Calling someone an absolute idiot is an insult Telling someone to shut up not so much Calm down social justice warrior
Kid you said smack first. Talking like a twelve yr old. I was telling you to not talk like an idiot
Edited by Sunraku: 1/29/2016 7:51:11 AM"Kid you said smack first" Indeed I'm the one that needs to stop talking like an idiot. Calm down social justice warrior
Edited by Sunraku: 1/29/2016 7:50:45 AMWhatever I done arguing with someone who thinks shut up is an insult
Shut up then
[i]F[/i]UCK YOU